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    Yoga for Health & Happiness: Why Yoga is Important for Happy Life

    Last Updated On 20-06-2019

    As per a study conducted by the World Health Organization, [1] India is the most depressed country in the world. A whopping portion of the population in the country suffers from anxiety, depression and other mental health diseases, and a huge cause of this is stress.

    The average suicide rate in India is 10.9 for every lakh people and the majority of people who commit suicide are below 44 years of age. Given the rise of cortisol levels that come with modern day living, very often we do not give our mind and bodies the rest that we deserve. While people attempt stress therapy and taking solo vacations to help get a respite from everyday life, the key to a happier and healthier life may be closer to home than we expected. Consider yoga, for instance. A discipline that originated in India, yoga has taken the world by storm due to its holistic nature that focuses on mind, body and soul.

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    Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuji” which translates into union or yoke. Started during the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago, the practice aims to bring together the mind and the body. Breathing exercises, meditation and other poses helps you to relax and be stress-free at all times. Worldwide June 21st is celebrated as the International Day of Yoga to celebrate the practice and the benefits it can bring to the life of an individual. Here’s why yoga is important for happy life:

    Yoga helps in relieving anxiety
    The practice of yoga emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and finding a sense of peace and balance for your mind and body. Hence incorporating it in your daily routine can help you relieve any negative feelings of anxiety and encourage you to have a more holistic lifestyle. In fact, yoga can help in dealing with different kinds of anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    Yoga can help reduce pain
    Yes, you read that right! As per a study done by Harvard Medical School, yoga can help people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions. Apart from improving the psychosocial well-being of people, yoga can also help in gaining physical comfort. In fact, practicing yoga every day can help improve daily function among people with fibromyalgia osteoporosis-related curvature of the spine. Yoga moves can help improve your flexibility and muscle function, helping relieve any chronic pain you may be going through.

    Yoga helps keep your heart healthy
    An increasing number of scientists and cardiovascular surgeons and experts have begun to recognize and encourage the importance of yoga and the benefits it brings to your cardiovascular health. Practicing yoga on a daily basis can help you lower your blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and also help you manage your blood glucose heart rate, all of which helps you in keeping your heart happier.
    Most cardiovascular diseases are lifestyle related and doing 60 minutes of yoga every day can help you transform the way you live ensuring you are protected against the same. Keeping your heart healthy and happy is a key to a healthy life. That said, having a health insurance cover against critical illnesses is crucial for peace of mind. A health insurance policy, focused on giving you health insurance covering inter-alia heart diseases, is the right solution in this case. Get a health insurance plan which is tailored to provide comprehensive health insurance coverage against all stages of cancer and heart diseases as per your requirement  . Thus, on International Yoga Day, consider purchasing the right kind of Health insurance to protect yourself against critical illnesses.

    Yoga can improve your quality of life
    The practice of yoga can help improve your quality of life overall by helping you sleep better, improve your mood and reduce signs of fatigue. Studies show that yoga can help you improve the quality of sleep you get, thereby encouraging you to be more productive and be more active socially. In fact, you can also use yoga as a way to enhance your spiritual well-being.

    As people around the world celebrate the benefits of yoga on International Day of Yoga, you too should vow to incorporate this practice in your daily life. Yoga can be your key to a stress free, relaxed, balanced and happier life. 

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    Whether you are trying to lose weight or making a shift towards a healthy life, understanding your BMI (Body Mass Index) is one of the first necessary steps you can make. The BMI calculator can indicate your body’s fat content based on your weight and height. Once you have a clear view of this, you can go through different health insurance plans on the PNB website and secure your future financially against the growing healthcare costs. 


    The aforesaid article presents the view of an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability or medical complications incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ health advisor before making any decision.

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