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    Free BMI Calculator Online: Get Your Body Fat Content

    Free BMI Calculator Online: Get Your Body Fat Content

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    As per WHO (World Health Organisation), excess weight and obesity present a significant health risk. According to their report, over 4 million people die each year because of complications arising from being overweight and obese. Rates of obesity continue to sharply rise in adults and children. BMI (body mass index) is an effective parameter to assess the level of body fat.

    High BMI is an indication of excess fat, which, if not controlled, could lead to overweight and obesity in the long run. However, low BMI could indicate malnutrition, which is another cause of health diseases. Therefore, the objective is to maintain the BMI in the healthy range.

    What is BMI?

    Body Mass Index or BMI is a measure of the body mass and size by combining your weight and height. BMI is widely used to indicate the fat content in your body. BMI can help assess if your weight is accurate for your body height and know your weight category- underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obesity. If your BMI is outside the healthy range, your health risks increase significantly.

    For example, a tall and short person might have the same weight but different BMIs. In all likelihood, the body mass index of the taller person will be on the healthier side than the one who is short in stature. This is because the weight of the taller person is more appropriate as per the height. However, the shorter person who has the same weight range is more likely to be overweight or obese.

    Moreover, the ideal weight could be different for a man and woman of the same height. To know if you fall in the healthy weight range or not, you can use a BMI calculator to solve the confusion.

    What is a BMI calculator? 

    A BMI calculator or a body mass index calculator is an offline and online tool that correlates your body weight with your height to assess if your weight is right for your stature. Typically, the BMI calculator measures your body mass (fat in the body, including muscles and bones) with your weight and height.

    The BMI tool takes your weight and divides the figure by the square of your height. The result helps you understand if your BMI corresponds to a healthy range according to the corresponding BMI range. For most adults, the BMI range is between 18.5 and 24.9. For children between 2 and 20 years, the BMI calculator also considers age and gender with height and weight.

    For adults above 20 years, BMI is calculated using the standard weight measures. This implies there is no different BMI calculator for men or BMI calculator for women. Everyone can use the standard BMI calculator offline and online.

    BMI calculator does not directly measure body fat as it does not account for age, sex, ethnicity, muscle mass, etc. However, the tool uses standard weight category status, which can provide a fair indication of potential health issues. When combined with other health parameters, the results from a BMI calculator can help assess your holistic health condition.

    How is BMI Calculated?

    Calculating BMI is easy. You can use a BMI formula or insert the required values in one of the many free BMI calculators available online. To calculate your BMI scale, you will need to:

    • Get a weighing scale and measure your weight. Note it to the nearest pound value.
    • Measure your height in feet and inches. Stand against a wall and mark your height, then use a measuring scale to check the height.

    Once you know your correct height and weight, you can calculate your BMI scale manually by using a verified BMI formula or insert the values in an online BMI calculator. You can find free BMI calculators online on various websites and apps.

    The BMI calculator will give your BMI scale based on your inputs. If the results are in the appropriate BMI scale, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you have a low or a high BMI, it is best to consult a doctor to help reduce the health risks associated and eventually work on your diet to get your weight in the healthy category.

    For adults, ideally, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is healthy. Less than 15 is considered severely underweight. Alternatively, a BMI scale of 15 to 18 is underweight. BMI scale of 25 to 30 is overweight, and a BMI value between 30 and 40 or above 40 is considered obese and severely obese.

    Benefits of a BMI Calculator

    BMI gives a fair indication body weight is in the right proportion as per your height. Hence, knowing your BMI can help you evade several health risks. Use an online BMI calculator to know your BMI scale. BMI calculator men and BMI calculator women are the same. However, BMI calculators for children will accommodate gender and age.

    Here are some reasons why you should use an online body mass index calculator:

    • An online BMI calculator can help you understand if your BMI value is within the healthy weight range or is deviated.
    • If the BMI calculator shows a deviated value, you can take measures to reduce the health risk.
    • BMI helps your doctor or nutritionist prepare the right diet and exercise chart and eventually get your BMI values in the healthy range.
    • BMI calculator tool is inexpensive, easy to use and gives quick results.
    • BMI measures the level of obesity, which can help the doctor in identifying and mitigating associated health risks.
    • BMI helps guide fitness and health goals.

    BMI Calculation Formula

    In case you are not comfortable with using a BMI calculator online and want to calculate your BMI scale manually, use any one of these BMI formulas:

    International BMI formula:

    BMI = Weight (Kilograms) / Height (metres)2

    Imperial System BMI formula:

    BMI = (Weight (lbs)/Height (Inches)2) *703

    So, for a person who is 175cms (1.75m) and weighs 75 kgs. The BMI (as per the international BMI formula) = 75kg/(1.75m2) = 24.49kg/m2

    The body mass index calculator helps you better understand your health. A low or high BMI range can be a matter of concern as it may indicate health risks, especially with increasing age. Understanding your BMI can help you track your overall health and minimise and prevent several health risks. If your BMI results are above or under the ideal BMI scale, you should take preventive measures and get yourself checked at least every six months.

    BMI chart

    The body mass index chart for adults (above 20 years of age) and children (between 2 and 20 years of age) is different.

    For adults over 20 years of age, the BMI chart is classified into the following weight status categories:

    BMI Range Weight Status

    Below 18.5


    Between 18.5 and 24.9

    Normal Weight

    Between 25 and 29.9


    Between 30 and 35


    Over 35

    Severe Obesity

    The BMI range remains the same for men and women. Therefore, there is no separate BMI chart for men and women.

    For children above two years and less than 20 years, the fat content changes with age. Some girls might have more body fat than boys of their age. The BMI formula for children is the same as for adults, but the BMI chart for children differs. Once you know the standard BMI of your child, the BMI value is compared to other children of the same age and gender. This is done with a distinct BMI chart that includes percentages and percentiles. The BMI range according to percentages and percentiles, is:

    • Less than the 5th percentile: Underweight
    • Above the 5th but lower than the 85th percentile: Normal weight
    • Above 85th percentile but lower than the 95th percentile: Overweight
    • BMI more than or equal to the 95th percentile: Obesity

    As per this BMI chart, if your child has a 25th BMI percentile, then they are in the normal weight range. Also, the child’s weight is higher than 25% of the children of the same age. The BMI percentile is assessed in correspondence to the gender of the child.

    How is BMI interpreted for adults?

    For adults, the body mass index calculated from the BMI formula is interpreted using a reference table. The interpretation of BMI for men and BMI for women is through the same body mass index chart.

    As per WHO, BMI values below 18.5 are underweight. If the body mass index of a person is between 18.5 and 29.5, then the person is healthy. However, deviations of body mass index below and above this range indicate health risks. A body mass index between 25 and 29.9 indicates that one is overweight, and a body mass index beyond 30 is obesity. For clinical purposes, obesity can be divided into three categories:

    • Class 1 BMI between 30 and 34.9
    • Class 2: BMI between 35 and 39.9
    • Class 3: BMI above 40

    Globally, nearly 1.5 million adults (approximately 34% of the total world adult’s population) are overweight or obese. This number will likely reach 3 billion by 2030. This is highly alarming. The risk of developing health issues, such as chronic heart diseases, diabetes, etc., rises sharply for BMI values above 21. This also means there is a high of death of people with such serious health ailments.

    Alternatively, BMI for children is interpreted using a percentage and percentile method and plotting their body mass index values against the specific references based on their gender and age. For children, it is normal to have different body fat at different ages. Also, girls and boys can have varied body fat percentages.

    Ideal BMI for men

    As per the WHO body mass index references, the ideal BMI for men is between 18.5 and 24.9. A body mass index in this range indicates that the person is healthy and is not overweight, obese or underweight. A body mass index below 18.5 indicates that the individual is underweight and should follow appropriate diet and exercise modifications to get the BMI in the normal range. Alternatively, men who have a body mass index above 24.9 are considered overweight, and those with BMI over 30 are obese. The health risks in people who are overweight or obese are significantly high. These people need to consult a doctor or a nutritionist to get their BMI values in order.

    Moreover, men with a greater or lesser BMI value are more likely to feel a lack of energy, fatigue and sluggishness. This can further increase their health complications. To get your BMI in the ideal body mass index range, keep a tab on your weight and take a proper diet. Also, regular BMI check-ups can help you monitor your body mass index. In case of deviations, seeking timely doctor consultation can help avoid several health issues.

    Here is a chart with the ideal BMI for men chart:

    Weight in Kgs/Pounds Height in Feet and Inches

    5 ft.

    5 ft. 3 inches

    5 ft. 6 inches

    5 ft. 9 inches












































    Ideal BMI for women

    The ideal BMI for women is the same as the BMI for men. For adults, BMI is a function of height and weight. Hence, there is no role of gender. So, ideal BMI for men and BMI for women are the same. For women, a BMI index between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, 25 to 29 is overweight, and over 29 is obese. Alternatively, women with a body mass index lower than 18.5 are considered underweight.

    That said, generally, women have a higher percentage of body fat as compared to men. Studies have confirmed that some gender-related factors cause men to have a higher BMI value than women. This is also why women are assigned low calories than men per day. Moreover, in some cases, BMI values up to 32 could be normal in women. But this does not mean that their body mass index calculations or readings change. The ideal body mass index for men and women is the same.

    Here is a chart with the ideal BMI for women:

    Weight in Kgs/Pounds Height in Feet and Inches

    5 ft.

    5 ft. 3 inches

    5 ft. 6 inches

    5 ft. 9 inches












































    Ideal BMI for children

    Calculating BMI for children is as important as calculating body mass index for adults. By knowing the body mass index of your child, you can assess if your child is growing normally. Moreover, if the BMI values of the child are high or low, you can take preventive measures to avoid any health issues that may arise in the future.

    Calculating and reading BMI for children is different from adults. This is because the body fat in children changes as they grow and is influenced by their gender. The BMI calculator for children divides the child's weight (in kilograms) by the child's height (in metres squared) and further multiplies the total result by 703.

    The BMI values from the BMI calculator are interpreted with the gender and age of the child. When assessing the BMI for children, the BMI value of each child is matched with the percentiles of other children of the same age and gender.

    Can BMI effectively assess overweight and obesity?

    BMI is used to measure overweight and obesity because it is easy to calculate, and the various online BMI calculators can determine your BMI in 2-3 minutes without any fee. Even though body mass index calculators are not an accurate diagnostic tool, they can help screen for potential weight-related problems in adults and children.

    Body mass index values act as a primary indicator of any health issue. If the BMI value is below or above the normal BMI range, the doctor or health professional can then take specific steps, such as:

    • Conduct the skinfold thickness test to know the precise level of fat in the body
    • Evaluate diet and physical activity
    • Assess family history of heart issues and related health risks
    • Conduct required health screenings to identify, minimise or prevent any possible health ailments

    How can being overweight affect your health?

    If the BMI check indicates overweight, several health risks could potentially affect an overweight person. Being overweight has the following effects on your body:

    • It makes the heart function harder than otherwise required.
    • It raises blood pressure levels along with blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
    • It lowers the high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as good cholesterol levels.
    • It increases the risk for diabetes and other health issues.

    As per studies, being overweight can increase your risk of the following health conditions:

    • Type 2 diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Heart issues
    • High triglyceride
    • Stroke
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol levels
    • Lower good cholesterol levels
    • Coronary heart issues
    • Heart attack
    • Insulin resistance
    • Gall-bladder issues
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Sleep apnea
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Skin issues like darkening of the skin, pigmentation, etc.
    • Respiratory problems
    • Hernia
    • Gout
    • Varicose Veins
    • Stress
    • Bladder incontinence
    • Clinical depression
    • Specific types of cancer such as breast cancer, gall bladder cancer, endometrial, colon cancer, etc.
    • Poly-cystic ovarian disease in women
    • Fertility issues
    • Menstrual irregularities

    On the other hand, carrying extra weight as a child or teenager can also cause significant health problems that can go on into adulthood. In children, high BMI values indicating obesity increase the risk of heart issues, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc. Further, overweight and obese children can also be affected by asthma, low self-esteem and psychological stress.

    What are the health risks related to being underweight?

    If your BMI check indicates a lower BMI value than the normal range, you might be underweight. Even though there is a lot of focus on the health effects of being overweight or obese, it is also critical to know the health risks related to being underweight.

    Some of the health risks associated with being underweight are:

    • Malnutrition
    • Vitamin deficiencies
    • Anaemia
    • Osteoporosis because of Vitamin D and calcium deficiency
    • Poor immunity or lower ability to fight any infections
    • Increased risk of complications after a surgery
    • Fertility issues
    • Irregular menstrual cycles
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Growth and development issues – physically and mentally. This is more common in teenagers and younger children.

    Low BMI levels can indicate underlying health issues like anorexia. If your BMI check indicates a low BMI level, it is good to consult a doctor.

    Steps to manage your weight

    If the BMI check is not in the ideal range, you should take immediate steps to manage your weight. The ideal to get a healthy BMI for men and a healthy BMI for women. Both men and women can follow the same steps to manage their weight and normalise their BMI levels.

    You can easily manage your weight by adopting some healthy eating habits and making some lifestyle changes.

    Here are some steps you can take to manage your weight:

    • Keep a check on your calories: Every person – man or woman – has a defined calorie range per day to ensure good health. Generally, the ideal daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men. By staying within the daily calorie range, you can easily keep your weight controlled.
    • Avoid overeating: Eating in the right quantity is as important as eating healthy. Avoid overeating and consuming excess calories, especially if it from unhealthy food items.
    • Make healthy food choices: To keep your weight in check, make better food choices. Opt for greener vegetables, avoid oily and fried items, give up junk food totally, etc.
    • Eat at the right time: Eating well and in the right portions helps manage your weight, provided you also eat at the right time. Binging on snacks late at night or a heavy dinner in the late hours can cause fat accumulation. Also, do not forget to eat your breakfast to keep the metabolic rate high.
    • Exercise and remain active: A sedentary lifestyle can cause a lot of health issues because of being overweight. Remain active and try to exercise at least three times a week to ensure you burn your calories and effectively manage your weight.

    How does BMI affect your health insurance premium?

    When you buy a health insurance plan, the insurance company decides the premiums for your health insurance plan as per the risk associated with your life. This means that if you are a healthy individual, you are likely to pay lower premiums for your health insurance plan as your risk of health issues or mortality is low. Alternatively, if you are a person who is not healthy, you might have to pay high premiums owing to the increased health or mortality risk.

    In this regard, BMI helps the insurance company ascertain your health condition and determine the risk of health issues and mortality. A healthy body mass index implies that your premiums will be likely lower than someone with a high body mass index.

    You can lower the premiums for your health insurance plan, provided you make some lifestyle and dietary modifications and get your body mass index level in the appropriate range.

    How does BMI affect your term insurance policy?

    Your body mass index affects your term insurance plan like it affects your health insurance plan. When you buy a term plan, the insurance company asks you to undergo several medical tests to determine your health status. One of the vital checks is regarding your weight. Your BMI helps the insurance company determine the level of risk associated with your life and determine your term plan premiums. If you have a high body mass index, term insurance plan premiums will likely be higher, owing to the high risk of health issues and mortality. Alternatively, if you have a healthy BMI value, you will most likely pay lower premiums for your term insurance plan. A person with a normal BMI will probably live longer than one who has a high BMI level. Hence, the chances of claim in the first case are lower than the latter.


    Overall, the BMI calculator is an effective and inexpensive tool to assess your health risks. You can consult a doctor to know your BMI implications and take proper steps towards maintaining good health. However, it is critical that you also adopt healthy habits and invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan to ensure you can bear the rising medical expenses in the future. In addition, consider buying a term insurance plan to financially safeguard your family in the case of your untimely demise.

    How does BMI affect your premium?

    BMI helps the insurance company ascertain your health condition and determine the risk of health issues and mortality. A healthy body mass index implies that your premiums will be likely lower than someone with a high body mass index.

    Know more about BMI

    • Keep a check on your calories.
    • Avoid overeating.
    • Make healthy food choices.
    • Eat at the right time.
    • Exercise and remain active.

    Steps to manage your weight

    Frequently Asked Questions about BMI

    Expand All Collapse All

    Does a person’s age and gender matter while calculating BMI?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Age and gender do not matter when calculating BMI for adult men and women as they have the same ideal ranges. However, it should be noted that generally adult women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat as compared to men.

    How does BMI affect your health insurance premium?

    Collapsed Expanded

    When you buy a health insurance plan, the insurance company decides the premiums for your health insurance plan as per the risk associated with your life. This means that if you are a healthy individual, you are likely to pay lower premiums for your health insurance plan as your risk of health issues or mortality is low. Alternatively, if you are a person who is not healthy, you might have to pay high premiums owing to the increased health or mortality risk.


    In this regard, BMI helps the insurance company ascertain your health condition and determine the risk of health issues and mortality. A healthy body mass index implies that your premiums will be likely lower than someone with a high body mass index.


    You can lower the premiums for your health insurance plan, provided you make some lifestyle and dietary modifications and get your body mass index level in the appropriate range.

    How does BMI affect your term insurance policy? 

    Collapsed Expanded

    Your body mass index affects your term insurance plan like it affects your health insurance plan. When you buy a term plan, the insurance company asks you to undergo several medical tests to determine your health status. One of the vital checks is regarding your weight. Your BMI helps the insurance company determine the level of risk associated with your life and determine your term plan premiums. If you have a high body mass index, term insurance plan premiums will likely be higher, owing to the high risk of health issues and mortality. Alternatively, if you have a healthy BMI value, you will most likely pay lower premiums for your term insurance plan. A person with a normal BMI will probably live longer than one
    who has a high BMI level. Hence, the chances of claim in the first case are
    lower than the latter.


    What is the ideal BMI range for adult men and women?

    Collapsed Expanded

    As per the WHO body mass index references, the ideal BMI for men is between 18.5 and 24.9. A body mass index in this range indicates that the person is healthy and is not overweight, obese or underweight. A body mass index below 18.5 indicates that the individual is underweight and should follow appropriate diet and exercise modifications to get the BMI in the normal range. Alternatively, men who have a body mass index above 24.9 are considered overweight, and those with BMI over 30 are obese. The health risks in people who are overweight or obese are significantly high. These people need to consult a doctor or a nutritionist to get their BMI values in order.


    Moreover, men with a greater or lesser BMI value are more likely to feel a lack of energy, fatigue and sluggishness. This can further increase their health complications. To get your BMI in the ideal body mass index range, keep a tab on your weight and take a proper diet. Also, regular BMI check-ups can help you monitor your body mass index. In case of deviations, seeking timely doctor consultation can help avoid several health issues.


    The ideal BMI for women is the same as the BMI for men. For adults, BMI is a function of height and weight. Hence, there is no role of gender. So, ideal BMI for men and BMI for women are the same. For women, a BMI index between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, 25 to 29 is overweight, and over 29 is obse. Alternatively, women with a body mass index lower than 18.5 are considered underweight.


    That said, generally, women have a higher percentage of body fat as compared to men. Studies have confirmed that some gender-related factors cause men to have a higher BMI value than women. This is also why women are assigned low calories than men per day. Moreover, in some cases, BMI values up to 32 could be normal in women. But this does not mean that their body mass index calculations or readings change. The ideal body mass index for men and women is the same.


    Here is a chart with the ideal BMI for adult men and


           Weight in Kgs/Pounds            
       Height in Feet and Inches
        5 ft.                   5 ft. 3 inches           5 ft. 6 inches          5 ft. 9 inches          6 ft.              
        58.96/130     25.4        23    21   19.2    17.6
        68.03/150     29.3       26.6    24.2    22.1    20.3
        77.11/170     33.2    30.1    27.4    25.1    23.1
        86.18/190     37.1    33.7    30.7    28.1    25.8
        95.25/210     41    37.2    33.9    31    28.5
        104.32/230     44.9    40.7    37.1    34    31.2
        113.39/250     48.8    44.3    40.3    36.9    33.9

    How is BMI interpreted for adults?

    Collapsed Expanded

    For adults, the body mass index calculated from the BMI formula is interpreted using a reference table. The interpretation of BMI for men and BMI for women is through the same body mass index chart.


    As per WHO, BMI values below 18.5 are underweight. If the body mass index of a person is between 18.5 and 29.5, then the person is healthy. However, deviations of body mass index below and above this range indicate health risks. A body mass index between 25 and 29.9 indicates that one is overweight, and a body mass index beyond 30 is obesity. For clinical purposes, obesity can be divided into three categories:

    ·  Class 1 : BMI between 30 and 34.9

    ·  Class 2: BMI between 35 and 39.9

    ·  Class 3: BMI above 40

    Globally, nearly 1.5 million adults (approximately 34% of the total world adult’s population) are overweight or obese. This number will likely reach 3 billion by 2030. This is highly alarming. The risk of developing health issues, such as chronic heart diseases, diabetes, etc., rises sharply for BMI values above 21. This also means there is a high of death of people with such serious health ailments.

    What is the ideal BMI for children?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Calculating BMI for children is as important as calculating body mass index for adults. By knowing the body mass index of your child, you can assess if your child is growing normally. Moreover, if the BMI values of the child are high or low, you can take preventive measures to avoid any health issues that may arise in the future.

    Calculating and reading BMI for children is different from adults. This is because the body fat in children changes as they grow and is influenced by their gender. The BMI calculator for children divides the child's weight (in kilograms) by the child's height (in metres squared) and further multiplies the total result by 703.

    The BMI values from the BMI calculator are interpreted with the gender and age of the child. When assessing the BMI for children, the BMI value of each child is matched with the percentiles of other children of the same age and gender.

    The BMI range according to percentages and percentiles, is:


    ·  Less than the 5th percentile: Underweight

    ·  Above the 5th but lower than the 85th percentile: Normal weight

    ·  Above 85th percentile but lower than the 95th percentile: Overweight

    ·  BMI more than or equal to the 95th percentile: Obesity

    As per this BMI chart, if your child has a 25th BMI percentile, then they are in the normal weight range. Also, the child’s weight is higher than 25% of the children of the same age. The BMI percentile is assessed in correspondence to the gender of the child.

    Can BMI effectively assess overweight and obesity? 

    Collapsed Expanded

    BMI is used to measure overweight and obesity because it is easy to calculate, and the various online BMI calculators can determine your BMI in 2-3 minutes without any fee. Even though body mass index calculators are not an accurate diagnostic tool, they can help screen for potential weight-related problems in adults and children. Body mass index values act as a primary indicator of any health issue. If the BMI value is below or above the normal BMI range, the doctor or health professional can then take specific steps, such as:


    ·  Conduct the skinfold thickness test to know the precise level of fat in the body


    ·  Evaluate diet and physical activity


    ·  Assess family history of heart issues and related health risks


    . Conduct required health screenings to identify, minimise or prevent any possible health ailments


    How can being overweight affect your health?

    Collapsed Expanded

    If the BMI check indicates overweight, several health risks could potentially affect an overweight person. Being overweight has the following effects on your body:


    · It makes the heart function harder than otherwise required.

    · It raises blood pressure levels along with blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 

    · It lowers the high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as good cholesterol levels.

    · It increases the risk for diabetes and other health issues.

    As per studies, being overweight can increase your risk of the following health conditions:

    ·  Type 2 diabetes

    · High blood pressure

    · Heart issues

    · High triglyceride

    · Stroke

    · High blood pressure

    · High cholesterol levels

    · Lower good cholesterol levels

    · Coronary heart issues

    · Heart attack

    · Insulin resistance

    · Gall-bladder issues

    · Osteoarthritis

    ·  leep apnea

    ·  Atherosclerosis

    ·  Skin issues like darkening of the skin, pigmentation, etc.

    · Respiratory problems

    · Hernia

    · Gout

    · Varicose Veins

    · Stress

    · Bladder incontinence

    · Clinical depression

    · Specific types of cancer such as breast cancer, gall bladder cancer, endometrial, colon cancer, etc.

    · Poly-cystic ovarian disease in women

    · Fertility issues

    . Menstrual irregularitie


    On the other hand, carrying extra weight as a child of teenager can also cause significant health problems that can go on into adulthood. In children, high BMI values indicating obesity increase the risk of heart issues, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc. Further, overweight and obese children can also be affected by asthma, low self-esteem and psychological stress.

    What are the health risks related to being underweight?

    Collapsed Expanded

    If your BMI check indicates a lower BMI value than the normal range, you might be underweight. Even though there is a lot of focus on the health effects of being overweight or obese, it is also critical to know the health risks related to being underweight. Some of the health risks associated with being


    underweight are:



    · Vitamin

    . deficiencies

    · Anaemia

    · Osteoporosis because of Vitamin D and calcium deficiency

    · Poor immunity or lower ability to fight any infections

    · Increased risk of complications after a surgery

    · Fertility issues

    · Irregular menstrual cycles

    · Hormonal imbalances

    · Growth and development issues – physically and mentally. This is more common in teenagers and younger children.

    Low BMI levels can indicate underlying health issues like anorexia. If your BMI check indicates a low BMI level, it is good to consult a doctor.

    How do I Calculate my BMI?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Body mass index (BMI) is the ratio of a person’s mass or body fat calculated by dividing their height into feet and inches by their weight in kilograms. It is an indicator of an individual’s body fat with their height and weight. The ratio arrived at shows whether a person’s weight falls in a healthy/ normal range, underweight range, or overweight and obese ranges.

    The BMI formula is kg/M2 or kilogram per metre square. It is simple and inexpensive to calculate your BMI, and you can do it offline or online. To calculate your BMI by yourself, take the square of your height in feet and inches and divide it by your weight. You can do this on a piece of paper or use a calculator. Or you can the BMI calculator online available on various BMI calculating or medical websites. Ensure that the website you use the body mass index calculator on is reliable. Enter your height squared and weight, and the BMI calculator online will calculate the ratio for you.

    However, to understand whether you have a normal BMI, you must refer to the numbers on the BMI chart. For both men and women, the general BMI range is similar. A BMI between 18 and 24 is normal, between 25 and 30 is overweight, and above 30 is obese. A BMI below 18 is underweight, below 15 is severely underweight, and above 40 is severely obese. You can use these numbers to see which category your BMI is in.

    Benefits Of Using A BMI Calculator

    Collapsed Expanded

    A body mass index calculator calculates a person’s body fat/ mass levels in relation to their weight and height. As weight is generally tied to health, a BMI calculator online sheds light on men’s and women’s health levels. It helps them understand and work towards a moderate weight per their height. Some of the best benefits of using a body mass index calculator are:

    • It is a useful, simple, and affordable tool to assess both men’s and women’s body fat/health levels.
    • Compared to medical procedures to analyse health, the BMI formula and calculator give a quicker insight.
    • It helps people understand their risk for weight-related ailments like type-2 diabetes, cardiac/ heart disease, arthritis, hypertension, and some types of cancer, among others.
    • There is a lot of research backing BMI and consensus among the global medical fraternity on the reliability of the BMI formula and ratio.
    • It is a one-of-a-kind method applicable to the general majority.
    • It is easy to calculate your BMI from anywhere (whether you are at home, in a hospital, or on the go)

    Most importantly, the BMI calculator motivates an individual to move towards a healthy weight and a normal BMI gradually. It helps them move towards making diet, lifestyle, and workout modifications with more clarity.

    How is BMI measured?

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    A person’s body mass index or BMI is measured in relation to their height and weight using the simple BMI formula. The BMI formula is kg/ M2. This BMI formula falls under the metric mode of calculation and is generally followed in India. The other mode, called the imperial mode, involves calculating BMI through pounds or lbs. You can calculate your BMI by yourself on paper or with a calculator.

    Or you can use a BMI calculator online that will give you instant and accurate results. However, to understand what your BMI measuring indicates, you have to refer to the BMI reference chart. The BMI ranges are similar for both men and women. Here is how you can decode the numbers:

    • A BMI between 18 and 24 is normal
    • A BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight
    • A BMI above 30 is obese
    • A BMI below 18 is underweight
    • A BMI below 15 is severely underweight
    • A BMI above 40 is severely obese

    You can use these numbers to see which category your BMI is in. Your BMI indicates your body fat or mass per your height and weight. But more than numbers, BMI sheds light on whether you are at risk for weight-induced diseases like type-2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke/ heart attack, osteoarthritis, and others. It makes you aware if you need to move towards a more moderate weight ideal for your height.

    What is the ideal BMI for a man?

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    BMI or body mass index is the ratio of a person’s body mass/ fat in relation to their weight and height. To come to this ratio, there is a standard metric or imperial BMI formula. In India, a body mass index calculator follows the metric system. The calculation and BMI formula for both men and women are the same. When it comes to the ideal BMI or a healthy BMI for men, there is only a standardised ideal that applies to all men irrespective of age, race, body type, and other aspects prevalent.


    • A BMI between 18 and 24 is normal
    • A BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight
    • A BMI above 30 is obese
    • A BMI below 18 is underweight
    • A BMI below 15 is severely underweight
    • A BMI above 40 is severely obese

    The BMI can point towards an unhealthy weight and the risk of developing underlying weight-related conditions like type-2 diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, and others. However, the BMI formula is very straightforward and doesn’t account for the minute differences in bodies. For men, an increase in muscle mass increases their overall weight on the scale, but that doesn’t mean they have gained unhealthy fat. An increase in muscle mass can be read as overweight using the conventional BMI formula.

    But that does not mean you are actually overweight. Ultimately, the body mass index calculator is a one-size-fits-all approach and is a good generalised indicator of health.


    What is the ideal BMI for a woman?

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    The ideal or normal BMI for women is the same as the normal/ healthy BMI for men. The BMI calculator and the BMI reference chart ratios are the same for men and women. Here is the reference chart for women:

    • A BMI between 18 and 24 is a normal or healthy BMI for women
    • A BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight
    • A BMI above 30 is obese
    • A BMI below 18 is underweight
    • A BMI below 15 is severely underweight
    • A BMI above 40 is severely obese

    However, like men, the BMI formula doesn’t account for the differences in women’s bodies in relation to other women and men. Women’s bodies are more diverse and work on different parameters when compared to men. For instance, women tend to accumulate more abdominal or visceral fat than men, especially as they age. So, while her BMI might be in the healthy range, a woman gaining fat only in her midsection is prone to more weight-related diseases like type-2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and the like.

    Moreover, if the woman is muscular or lifts weights, her weight might read as overweight, but the BMI calculator women will not be able to distinguish the two, and mostly she will be healthy. However, as the BMI formula indicates the standardised normal BMI for the average woman, it is a reliable way to move towards a moderate weight and a healthier life.

    What is the ideal BMI for kids?

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    The BMI for kids is different from the BMI for women and men. The BMI calculator by age for children differs from the one used for women and men. As the weight and height of children change rapidly, especially in their teenage years, the standard adult BMI calculator does not apply. For kids, BMI gets calculated using age and the corresponding body percentile. This percentile then corresponds to the BMI charts used by a doctor or paediatrician of the child.

    Generally, every country has its own BMI chart for kids. For instance, in India, one of the most accurate BMI charts for kids comes from the Indian Academy of Paediatrics. The standardised BMI chart, according to the academy, indicates the BMI ranges for both girls and boys between the age of 6 to 18 years:

    • If the BMI is less than 15, then the child is underweight
    • If the BMI is from 16 to 22, then the child has a normal BMI
    • If the BMI is more than 23, then the child is at risk of being overweight
    • If the BMI is more than 27, then the child is at risk of obesity

    How much should I weigh according to my height and age?

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    Weight is more complex than it appears. Apart from diet and lifestyle, many underlying factors influence a person’s weight. These factors include genetics, the presence of chronic/ acute illnesses, the influence of stress, and your environment, among others. However, as a general model of assessment - your body mass index, age, weight, and height, are used to determine how much they should ideally weigh.

    As a preliminary step, doctors use the BMI formula and the body mass index calculator to assess if someone is healthy or at a moderate weight. To know how much you should weigh according to your height and age, you can check the standard BMI reference chart. BMI is a standardised model of measuring a person’s body mass/ fat in relation to their weight and height. Age is not considered in the BMI formula/ calculation.

    For adults, the BMI chart starts from 5 feet and 45kgs and goes up to 6.4 feet and around 98kgs. There is no BMI calculator by age. Within this chart, you can check for the numbers showcasing your BMI. To understand if you have a normal BMI or weight per your height, you have to first calculate your BMI through the BMI calculator. Enter your weight in kgs and height in metre square. Then, take the number you arrive at and refer to the chart ratios:

    • A BMI between 18 and 24 is normal
    • A BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight
    • A BMI above 30 is obese
    • A BMI below 18 is underweight
    • A BMI below 15 is severely underweight
    • A BMI above 40 is severely obese

    Why is BMI calculation important for your health?

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    BMI calculation is the calculation of your body mass index or body fat with respect to your height (in metre square) and weight (in kilograms). You can calculate it through the BMI formula of kg/ M2. The BMI calculator indicates what a healthy BMI for men and women is. It checks the body mass levels and detects whether it is normal BMI, underweight, overweight, or obese.

    Doctors use the BMI calculation method as a first check or preliminary inspection of a person’s health. As it is quite accurate and works for the majority, it is a standardised way of assessing the healthiness quotient in someone. BMI calculation is crucial to maintain your health and work towards a moderate weight.

    Once you know your BMI, you can understand your health on an overall level. If you are within a normal BMI range, you can continue to maintain your health. But if you are underweight, overweight, or obese, the BMI calculation can motivate you to modify your diet, lifestyle, and exercise habits. It can make you realise the increased risk of weight-induced ailments like type-2 diabetes, blood pressure, cardiac disease, anxiety, depression, and several others. Moreover, it makes you realise the importance of consulting your doctor and instils the habit of regular medical check-ups.

    How do I maintain a healthy BMI?

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    While it is good to embrace that people are in all shapes and sizes, it is wise to work towards being healthy. The definition of healthy might vary from person to person, depending on their genetics, environmental stressors, and underlying ailments. But there is a significant amount you can do to maintain your health or a healthy BMI.

    BMI or body mass index is the ratio arrived at after dividing your weight with your height in M2. It indicates the level of body fat percentage you have. BMI calculation is one of the most standardised and preliminary forms of checking someone’s health level. The core purpose of measuring BMI is to assess whether your weight poses an increased risk for weight-related ailments. That is why it becomes essential to maintain a healthy BMI.

    A healthy or normal BMI for women and men is the same and lies between the range of 18.5 to 24.9. Anything below that is underweight and above that is overweight or obese. To maintain or come to this normal range, you can make various diet, lifestyle, and workout changes. Generally, eating within your calorie range and eating healthier, whole-grain foods is better. Any form of moderate to high-intensity exercise for about 60 to 90 minutes 3 to 4 days of the week is vital. For women, additional steps like balancing their hormones and regular movement are crucial.

    What is the ideal BMI for life insurance?

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    Body mass index or BMI is the ratio of a person’s body fat percentage in relation to their weight and height. It is calculated by dividing weight by height in M2 and points to one’s health level. The ratio arrived at is correlated with the standard BMI chart and is used to assess one’s risk towards weight-related ailments.

    The BMI chart is the same for both men and women. Apart from affecting your health, BMI also affects the price of life insurance premiums. If you have a normal BMI, chances are your life insurance premiums will be lower than those with a BMI that is underweight, overweight, or obese. To understand how the BMI ratio affects your health, you have to refer to the BMI chart. The BMI chart says:

    • A BMI between 18 and 24 is normal
    • A BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight
    • A BMI above 30 is obese
    • A BMI below 18 is underweight
    • A BMI below 15 is severely underweight
    • A BMI above 40 is severely obese

    To ensure your premiums are less, you must maintain a BMI within the normal BMI range, that is, from 18(.5) to 24(.9).

    How does BMI affect life insurance?

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    Body mass index or BMI is the ratio of a person’s body fat percentage in relation to their weight and height. It is calculated by dividing weight by height in M2 and indicates one’s health level by assigning a ratio. This ratio falls within different BMI ranges and is the same for men and women. To understand if BMI affects your health, you have to refer to the BMI chart.

    Typically, a BMI range from 18 to 24.9 is a normal BMI. Anything below is underweight and above is overweight or obese. But while BMI affects your quality of health, it also comes into play while buying life insurance. As BMI is a reliable indicator of one’s health levels, life insurance companies use it as a method to decide the cost of a life insurance policy. They use a BMI calculator for life insurance. So, if you fall within the normal BMI range, your premiums for a life insurance plan will be lower than those with a higher or lower BMI ratio.

    The reason behind charging lesser premiums for those within the normal BMI range is simple. As they are healthier than those overweight or underweight, the need for medical assistance is lesser. This reduces the chances of them claiming the life insurance policy and, in turn, reduces the life insurer’s liability. If you are overweight or underweight, you might have to frequent the hospital more often for weight-related complications. To cover those costs and higher risk, your life insurance plan becomes costlier.


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    ^Maximum maturity age 99 years for all options except Life Plus Health & ROP Option. Maximum maturity age for Life Plus Health & ROP Option is 75 years.

    #Provided the policy is in-force and all due premiums have been paid, for 5 pay FMC deducted for first 3 policy years net of taxes and for all other premium payment terms FMC deducted for the first 5 years net of taxes will be added to the fund value.

    $Terms and Conditions Apply. Please refer the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.

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