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    Nfo Smart Platium Smallcap Fund

    PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus

    Individual, Unit-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance Plan | UIN: 117L125V05

    Presenting PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus — a whole life protection and savings plan which offers a life insurance cover to protect your family in case of your unfortunate demise while also providing you with tailor-made solutions to achieve your goals. With this plan, wealth creation doesn’t have to take a back seat even during critical illness7.

    New Fund Option

    At PNB MetLife we are delighted to offer a new fund, the “Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund” (ULIF03115/02/25NIFTYMOMEN117). The objective of the fund is to invest in a basket of stocks drawn from the constituents of NSE’s NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index, subject to regulatory limits. The Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index aims to track the performance of the top 50 companies within the Nifty 500 selected based on their Normalized Momentum Score. Historical data from NSE suggests that the momentum strategy has outperformed vs broader indices in the past. Regulations may restrict us from investing in all the stocks/sectors in line with their weights in the index from time to time, resulting in tracking error. The index funds which track momentum strategies are best suited for individuals with very high-risk tolerance and long-term investment goals.

    Invest in PNB MetLife NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund with Unit-Linked Insurance Plan + Life Cover

    29.3%* Benchmarked Index Returns (Past 5 Years)
    PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus in a nutshell
    • Whole Life Cover
    • Return of Fund Management Charge at the end of the 6th year1
    • Fund Booster at the end of the 10th year8
    • Waiver of Premium2 under Care Benefit
    • Enhance your coverage through PNB MetLife Linked Accidental Death Benefit Rider (Individual, Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Risk, Health Insurance Rider | UIN: 117A024V01).

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    With PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus:
    • Choose from 2 Plan Options -
      Wealth Option: Whole Life Cover
      Wealth + Care Option: Additional health protection through Waiver of premium2 on diagnosis of any one of the 5 Listed Critical Illness7.
    • Total FMC charges deducted till the end of the 5th policy year1 will be added back to the fund value at the end of the 6th policy year.
    • Get a Fund Booster to enhance your Fund Value at the end of the 10th policy year1.
    • Get a choice of 15 Unit Linked Funds.
    • Choose between a Whole Life Cover till the age of 80 years OR 99 years.
    • Choose to pay premiums once under Single Pay Option or throughout the policy term or for a limited period up to age 80.
    • You may be eligible to avail tax benefits3 on premiums paid and benefits received, as per prevailing tax laws

    Fund Performance


    What you don’t get

    Exclusions of Critical Illness7

    No waiver of premium2 benefit will be payable if the Critical Illness7 is caused or aggravated directly or indirectly by any of the mentioned acts in Term & Conditions of the life insured unless those are beyond his / her control. Please refer complete Sales Brochure.

    Other Exclusions

    • Any diseases occurring within 90 days of the start of coverage or date of revival (i.e. during the waiting period). In case of diagnosis of a Critical Illness7 condition contracted during the waiting period, then this inbuilt waiver of premium2 benefit will be terminated without any value or refund of premium paid.
    • Failure to follow medical advice.
    • Any condition that is pre-existing at the time of inception of the policy
      • Pre-existing Disease means any condition, ailment, injury or disease: That is/are diagnosed by a physician within 36 months prior to the effective date of the policy issued by the insurer or its reinstatement.
      • For which medical advice or treatment was recommended by, or received from, a physician within 36 months prior to the effective date of the policy or its reinstatement.
    • Intentional self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide.
    • Insured person being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances unless taken in accordance with the lawful directions and prescription of a registered medical practitioner.
    • War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), armed or unarmed truce, civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, riot or civil commotion, strikes.
    • Participation by the insured person in a criminal or unlawful act with illegal or criminal intent.
    • Engaging in or taking part in professional or adventure sport(s) which are hazardous in nature including but not limited to, diving or riding or any kind of race; underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus or not; martial arts; hunting; mountaineering; parachuting; bungee-jumping.
    • Nuclear Contamination: the radio-active, explosive or hazardous nature of nuclear fuel materials or property contaminated by nuclear fuel materials or accident arising from such nature.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    What are the product benefits of the PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus?


    Choice from the below Plan Options:

    Option 1: Wealth Option
    This option offers benefit on death or maturity.

    Option 2: Wealth + Care Option
    This option offers in addition to the above benefits a Care Benefit on occurrence of Critical Illness7. On occurrence of any one of the 5 listed Critical Illnesses7, as a part of Care Benefit, all future due premiums shall be waived and an amount equivalent to premiums (chosen at inception) will be paid into the fund at each future premium due date following the date of diagnosis of Critical Illnesses7.

    The benefits will vary based on the Option chosen by the Policyholder

    Premium Payment Flexibility

    • Choose to pay premiums once under Single Pay Option or throughout the policy term or for a limited period up to age 80
    • Choose to be covered till the age of 80 years or 99 years

    Choose your Sum Assured Multiple

    Return of Fund Management Charges at the end of the 6th policy year
    Total FMC charges deducted till the end of 5th policy year1 will be added back to the fund value at the end of the 6th policy year. 

    Create your own wealth plan through a choice of portfolio strategies:

    • Self- managed strategy: Choose amongst 15 diverse funds.
    • Systematic transfer strategy: Transfer your premium to equities in regular monthly instalments.
    • Life-stage strategy: Personalise your portfolio to create an ideal balance between equity and debt, based on your age.

    Enhance your fund value
    Get rewarded with fund booster at end of year 10th Policy Year

    Enjoy Tax3 Benefits
    You may be eligible to avail Tax3 benefits on premiums paid and benefits received, as per prevailing tax laws.

    Who is eligible to buy this policy?

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    Refer to the below table for the detailed eligibility criteria for this policy:

    Product Specification

    Wealth Option

    Wealth + Care Option

    Age at entry (Years) 4


    0 (30 days)5





    Maturity age (Years)4

    Two Maturity Options to choose from:
    Maturity Option 1: 80
    Maturity Option 2: 99

    Policy Term (Years)

    Maturity Option 1: 80 - age at entry
    Maturity Option 2: 99 years - age at entry

    Premium Paying Term (PPT) (Years)


    Single premium

    Regular premium: 10

    Limited premium : 5

    Limited premium : 6


    Single premium
    Regular premium : 99
    Limited pay : 80

    25 (subject to age of life assured not exceeding 75 at the end of PPT)

    Both the above plan options offer all integer Premium Paying Term between minimum to maximum Premium Paying Terms mentioned in the table above (both inclusive).

    Annualized Premium (Rs.)


    Premium Payment Mode

    Annualized Premium










    As per board approved underwriting policy

    Sum assured cover multiple


    • 1.25 (Single Premium)
    • 7 (Other than Single Premium)


    • 10 (Single Premium)
    • For Other than Single Premium Policies:

    Age Band

    Maximum Sum Assured4 cover multiple

    0 to 10


    11 to 20


    21 to 30


    31 to 40


    41 to 50


    51 to 55


    56 to 60


    61 to 65


    Sum Assured (Rs.)


    For Single Premium: 60,000
    For Regular/Limited Premium: 3,36,000


    Annualised Premium (or Single Premium) 4Sum Assured cover multiple given above

    Premium Payment Mode

    Annual, Half Yearly and Monthly6

    4All references to age are as on age last birthday
    5For policies issued to minor lives the risk cover starts immediately at inception. In case the life assured is a minor, the policy will vest with the life assured when the life assured attains an age of 18 years.
    6Monthly mode is available for Standing instruction/direct debit options (including Electronic Clearing System (ECS), and Automated Clearing House (ACH))

    What is the Death Benefit payable under this policy?

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    If the Life Assured’s death occurs while the Policy is in In-Force Status on the date of the Life Assured’s death, and the Policy and all rights, benefits and interests under this Policy shall immediately and automatically terminate.

    The Death Benefit payable will be higher of -

    • The Fund Value on the date of death;
    • The Sum Assured after deducting all Partial Withdrawals made during the 2 year period immediately preceding the Life Assured’s death;
    • 105% of the total Premiums paid 

    Where Sum Assured is higher of:

    • Basic Sum Assured
    • Sum Assured Cover Multiple X Single/Annualised Premium
    • Basic Sum Assured (BSA) is defined as:
      • For Single Pay: 1.25 times Single Premium
      • For Regular/ Limited Pay: 7 times Annualised Premium
    • Sum Assured Cover Multiple are applicable as stated in Eligibility Section on this page.

    What is the Maturity Benefit under this policy?

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    On survival of the Life Assured till the end of the policy term, provided the policy is in force and all due premiums are paid, we will pay the maturity benefit which is equal to total fund value as on the maturity date and all rights, benefits and interests under this Policy shall immediately and automatically terminate.

    Maturity Options available under this plan are:

    Option 1: Cover up to age 80 years
    Under this option, the life cover will be available till age 80 years, i.e. policy term will be equal to 80 minus age at entry.

    Option 2: Cover up to age 99 years
    Under this option, the life cover will be available till age 99 years, i.e. policy term will be equal to 99 minus age at entry.

    How does the Return of Fund Management Charge benefit work?

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    The total of Fund Management Charges (excluding any applicable goods and service taxes) deducted during the first 5 years of the policy net of taxes will be added back to the Fund Value at the end of the 6th policy year.

    For a premium payment term of 5 years, the total of Fund Management Charges (excluding any applicable goods and service taxes) deducted during the first 3 years of the policy net of taxes will be added back to the Fund Value at the end of the 6th policy year.

    Return of Fund Management Charge will be payable provided the policy is in force and all due instalment premiums till end of the 6th policy year have been paid in full.

    This benefit will not be available in case of Single Pay premium payment option.

    When will I receive a Fund Booster?

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    Fund Boosters will be allocated to your policy at the end of the 10th policy year provided the policy is in force and all due instalment premiums till date have been received in full.

    The Fund Booster at the end of the 10th year will be defined as a percentage of Average Daily Fund Values for each Fund during that same policy year at the end of the 10th policy year. If the policyholder has chosen multiple funds, a Fund Booster will be allocated to each fund based on the fund value of that particular fund and Fund Booster percentage. Fund Booster will be made by allocation of extra units based on the NAV as on the due date of the credit of fund booster.

    The allocation of Fund Booster units is guaranteed and shall not be revoked by the company under any circumstances.

    End of Policy year/ Fund

    Protector II, Bond Opportunities Fund, Liquid Fund, Balancer II & Balanced Opportunities Fund

    Multiplier III, Premier Multi-cap Fund, Mid Cap Fund, CREST (thematic fund), Flexi Cap Virtue II, Small Cap Fund, Bharat Manufacturing Fund, Bharat Consumption Fund & Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund


    0.75% of Fund Value

    1% of Fund Value

    What is Care Benefit?

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    Under Option 2: Wealth + Care Option - on occurrence of any one of the 5 listed Critical Illnesses, all future premiums that would otherwise have been payable shall be waived for the remainder of the premium payment term and the company will continue to allocate units to your policy as if the premiums are being paid, at each future premium due date following the date of diagnosis of Critical Illnesses.

    What Critical Illnesses are covered under ‘Care Benefit’ of PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus?

    Collapsed Expanded
    1. Cancer of Specified Severity
    2. First Heart Attack – of specified severity
    3. Open Chest CABG
    4. Kidney Failure Requiring Regular Dialysis
    5. Stroke resulting in Permanent Symptoms

    What is the Death Benefit Payable when opted for PNB MetLife Linked Accidental Death Benefit?

    Collapsed Expanded

    In the event of the death of the life insured due to an accident occurring within the policy term, 100% of Rider Sum Assured shall be payable. The Policyholder can opt for this rider either at inception along with the base policy or at any policy anniversary during its tenure.

    How can I purchase PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus?

    Collapsed Expanded

    You can purchase this plan offline through any of the below methods:


    The linked insurance product do not offer any liquidity during first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of fifth year. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
    • 1Provided the policy is in-force and all due premiums have been paid, for 5 pay FMC deducted for first 3 policy years net of taxes and for all other premium payment terms FMC deducted for the first 5 years net of taxes will be added to the fund value.
    • 2Terms and Conditions Apply. Please refer the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
    • 3Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, & are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax consultant for more details.
    • Goods and Services Tax (GST) shall be levied as per prevailing tax laws which are subject to change from time to time.
    • 7Please refer the sales brochure for all details regarding Critical Illnesses

    PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus is an Individual, Unit linked, Non-participating, Life Insurance plan (UIN: 117L125V05). Please consult your advisor for more details. In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding any sale. 

    Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the  Life Insurance  Company and PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus is only the name of the unit linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document issued by the insurance company. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns.
    8Fund Boosters are defined as a percentage of Average Daily Fund Values for each Fund Values for each Fund during that same Policy Year at the end of the 10th policy year


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    Thank you for getting in touch with us. We will contact you shortly.


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    As your trusted life insurance partner, PNB MetLife is with you amidst the current COVID-19 outbreak. Our policies also cover COVID-19 Claims. In case of a Death Claim, kindly submit the signed Claim Intimation Letter mentioning the policy number, brief of the insured event and other claim documents on the email mentioned herewith. Please write-in to us at or You can also call us on 1800-425-6969 for death claims intimations and for any queries on Monday - Saturday between 10:00 am - 7:00 pm.

    PNB MetLife Insurance, amongst the trusted Life Insurance companies in India, aims to provide a wide range of Life Insurance products that suits the needs of an individual at every stage of his life. Life Insurance Plans range from Term Life Insurance PlansTerm PlanProtection PlansLong Term Savings Plans , Retirement Plans & Child Education Plan.

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