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    healthy bmi for women

    How Maintaining a Healthy BMI for Women Can Help to Save Insurance Premiums?

    Last Updated On 07-03-2025

    Whenever we talk about women's health, keeping a healthy BMI for women is often the most overlooked. But what you may not realise is your Body Mass Index (BMI) not only affects your health—but also your insurance premiums. If you want to save money on your insurance premiums without affecting your health, you should focus on keeping a healthy BMI for women.

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    This post will discuss why BMI is important for life insurance premiums, what the normal BMI range for women is and how to calculate BMI for females so that you can get lower insurance premiums.

    What is BMI and Why is it Important for Women?

    BMI (Body Mass Index) is a number calculated from your weight and height. It is used to classify people into various weight categories—underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. It is an easy measurement that health workers and even insurance companies use routinely to establish the possible health risk. You can use a BMI calculator for women to calculate your BMI.

    How to Calculate BMI for Female Individuals?

    BMI= Weight in kilograms/(Height in Meters)2

    For instance, if a woman weighs 65 kg and is 1.65 meters tall, then her BMI would be 23.8. This puts her in the normal BMI range for women, between 18.5 and 24.9.

    In women, BMI especially matters because it influences general well-being, hormonal balance, and long-term disease susceptibilities such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension—all of which influence insurance premiums.

    What Is the Normal BMI Range for Women?

    The BMI range for women is divided into different weight ranges, as per the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Here’s the BMI chart for women:

    BMI Weight Standard
    Below 18.5 Underweight
    18.5 – 24.9 Normal weight
    25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
    30.0 and higher Obese

    The insurance companies mostly consider BMI as one of the key measures for optimal health. Women with a normal BMI range typically have fewer risks associated with health issues, thus paying less for insurance. Moreover, being underweight or overweight can lead you to pay higher insurance premiums because of the threat of linked health complications. If you don’t know how to use a BMI calculator, then check out our complete guide of using BMI calculators.

    How a High or Low BMI Impacts Insurance Premiums

    Since BMI is a measure of body fat based on weight and height, underweight, overweight, or obese individuals will have to pay much higher insurance premiums than healthy people. Insurers view BMI as an indicator of potential medical risks, and a highly elevated or low BMI will lead to a higher premium or even denied coverage.

    1. Underweight (BMI Less than 18.5) – Higher Premiums Due to Health Risks

      Although being thin is associated with healthiness, low BMI may indicate an underlying sickness such as malnutrition, weakened immunity, or chronic illness. People who are underweight face the risk of:
      • Weakened immunity as a result of lack of nutrients
      • Osteoporosis and the risk of breaking bones
      • Irregular menses or inability to conceive
      • Increased susceptibility to infection and disease
      Due to these risks, it can be more expensive for insurance providers to offer coverage or require additional medical tests before approving coverage.
    2. Overweight (BMI 25.0 - 29.9) – Moderate Increase in Premiums

      An obese BMI indicates an increased risk of disease conditions such as hypertension and diabetes, which can lead to extra medical costs and additional insurance claims. Overweight females can sometimes be included in standard policies; they will be charged a higher premium than women who have a normal BMI.
      Insurers could even ask you to submit a fitness certificate from a certified physician to determine your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other health-related risks.
    3. Obese (BMI 30 and Above) – Highest Insurance Premiums and Possible Policy Denials

      Obesity is associated with severe chronic diseases like:
      • Heart disease and stroke
      • Type 2 diabetes
      • Respiratory conditions like sleep apnea
      • Joint diseases (arthritis)
      As people with a high BMI are likely to require costly medical treatments and hospitalisation, insurance providers charge very high premiums. In severe cases, they might even refuse to cover them or add exclusions on some conditions.
    4. Healthy BMI (18.5 - 24.9) – Best for Saving on Insurance

      Women that fall in the normal BMI range for women have improved overall health, fewer medical practitioner claims, and lower risks of chronic illnesses. Insurance companies offer the lowest premium to women belonging to this group as they are the least financially vulnerable.
      If your BMI is on the borderline of an unhealthy BMI range for women, then even a minor weight adjustment can lead to better insurance rates.

    How Does Pregnancy Affect Female BMI and Insurance Premiums?

    Pregnancy is a natural phase of life that temporarily affects a woman's BMI. However, healthy weight management during pregnancy is crucial for both maternal and child health.

    The Institute of Medicine provides the following recommendations for weight gain during a single pregnancy:

    Prepregnancy BMI Total Weight Gain Rate of Second and Third-Trimester Weight Gain
    Underweight (under 18.5) 28 to 40 pounds (12.5 to 18 kg) 1 pound (0.51 kg) per week
    Normal weight (18.5 to 24.9) 25 to 35 pounds (11.5 to 16 kg) 1 pound (0.42 kg) per week
    Overweight (25 to 29.9) 15 to 25 pounds (7 to 11.5 kg) 0.6 pounds (0.28 kg) per week
    Obesity (30 or greater) 11 to 20 pounds (5 to 9 kg) 0.5 pounds (0.22 kg) per week

    Most insurers change premiums according to BMI changes related to pregnancy. Nonetheless, keeping a healthy BMI for women after pregnancy is important to enjoy lower premiums.

    Tips for Maintaining a Healthy BMI for Women

    A healthy BMI in women is about more than losing weight—it's about achieving balance through positive lifestyle modifications. If your BMI doesn't fall in the normal BMI range for women, making a few simple but effective changes to your diet, exercise routine, and daily life can help you maintain the ideal BMI for females. Here's how:

    1. Know Your Current BMI and Set Realistic Goals

      Before you can change your BMI, you need to know about BMI. Calculate your BMI with a BMI calculator for females. After you've calculated your BMI, see where you fall in the BMI chart for females and then set a target weight for achieving a healthy BMI for women.
    2. Stick to a Healthy and Balanced Diet

      Your dietary habits are some of the main factors influencing your BMI. Consider adopting healthy nutrition principles and including foods like:
      • Lean protein (chicken, fish, soy and beans) for preservation of muscle mass.
      • Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, oats) for long-lasting energy.
      • Healthy fats (avocados, nuts and olive oil) for your heart's benefit.
      • Fruits and vegetables for everyday nutrients.
      Avoid junk food, high sugar and trans fats that can lead to weight gain and to unhealthy BMI.
    3. Exercise Regularly

      Being active, especially regularly, is one of the best ways to keep a healthy BMI for women. Try to engage in the following in your week:
      • Strength Training (2-3 times) – This builds muscle and increases your metabolism.
      • Cardio Activities (150 minutes of exercise weekly) – Activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling to lose fat.
      • Flexibility and Mobility Exercises (2-3 times) – Yoga and stretching to enhance overall body balance.
    4. Monitor Progress on a BMI Chart for Women

      You need to monitor your BMI. Use a BMI calculator every now and then to know whether you fall under the normal BMI range for women. Having a weight journal, exercise routine, and diet can ensure that you are consistent.
    5. Drink Lots of Water and Get Proper Sleep

      Hydration and proper sleep can help you achieve a healthy BMI for women.
      • Have a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day to promote metabolism and prevent excessive eating.
      • Sleep for 7-9 hours every night to balance appetite hormones and achieve weight equilibrium.
    6. Stress and Emotional Eating

      Excessive stress can trigger detrimental weight changes and can lead you to fall out of the ideal BMI for females. Lower and control your stress by:
      • Relaxation and meditation via deep breathing.
      • Do something you love or like to do.
      • Pursue mindful eating habits to prevent emotional overeating.

    How a Healthy BMI Can Lower Insurance Premiums for Women

    Insurance providers consider many factors when setting premium rates for policyholders, and BMI is one of them. A healthy BMI for women is linked to fewer health risks, which in turn affects how much you pay in insurance premiums. Below is a clearer picture of how staying healthy with BMI can lower insurance costs:

    1. Lower Health Risks = Lower Premiums

      Insurance companies estimate risk before issuing a policy, and a healthy BMI indicates a lower risk of developing chronic diseases. A female with a normal BMI (18.5 – 24.9) is less likely to suffer from diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. As insurance companies pay more for people who have higher health risks, you can reduce your insurance premiums if you fall in the normal BMI range for women.
    2. Lower Chances of Medical Insurance Claims

      When you are of healthy weight, you have lesser chances of having recurrent medical attention, hospitalisation, or long-term prescription medication. Insurers factor this in when determining premiums, as they reward low-risk claimants with rebates and discounts.
    3. Longer Life Expectancy = Better Policy Rates

      Statistics indicate that women who fall in the normal BMI range for women live longer and healthier. Insurance companies prefer women with longer life expectancies since they are less expensive. Females with a normal BMI can hence be considered for better insurance coverage at a reduced cost compared to overweight and underweight women.
    4. Avoid Extra Medical Tests and Exclusions

      If your BMI is either too high or too low, your insurers will insist on further medical tests before they give you a policy. These may include blood glucose tests, cholesterol level tests, ECGs, and other tests to ascertain your overall health.
    5. Greater Access to All-Inclusive Coverage

      Women with healthy BMIs are more likely to qualify for higher-risk coverage at discounted premiums. For example, if you choose a life policy or health insurance, insurers will offer you a higher sum assured at competitive premium rates if the BMI falls within the normal range.

    Wrapping Up

    A healthy BMI for women is not just a range or figure. It is an important measure of overall well-being and economic stability. Not only do you become healthier, but you also become eligible for lower insurance premiums at better terms when you fall in the normal BMI range for women. You can use a BMI calculator for women to calculate your BMI and make informed decisions. Looking for the best insurance plans for women that reward healthy living? Browse PNB MetLife’s huge portfolio of insurance plans and find the right one for you today!

    FAQs on Healthy BMI for Women

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    How does a healthy BMI for women affect insurance premiums?

    Collapsed Expanded

    A healthy BMI lowers health risks, leading to reduced insurance premiums.

    What is the ideal BMI for females to qualify for lower insurance rates?

    Collapsed Expanded

    A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered ideal for lower insurance costs.

    Can losing weight help reduce my insurance premium?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Yes, improving your BMI female score can make you eligible for better rates.

    How can I check if my BMI is in the normal range?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Use a BMI calculator for women to check if your BMI falls within the healthy range.


    The aforesaid article presents the view of an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability or medical complications incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ health advisor before making any decision.

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