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    What is SIP - All About Systematic Investment Plan & How it Works?

    Last Updated On 18-02-2025

    Invest in PNB MetLife NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund @ ₹10. Limited Time Offer. Hurry Up!

    29.3%* Benchmarked Index Returns (Past 5 Years)

    In a SIP or Systematic Investment Plan, a predetermined amount of money is invested in a fund on a regular basis. The investment can be made monthly or quarterly without interruption, and this way, SIPs allow investors to create wealth via regular investment and compounding returns!

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    There are many types of SIP, and multiple financial institutions offer them, however, before starting a SIP, you should check out the past performance of the fund. Also, you should take a look at the best stock for SIP investment and various funds, such as PNB MetLife fund performance to make an informed decision!

    Let us provide an in-depth idea of what is SIP, its benefits, and the type of SIP that will be most advantageous for your personal financial goals.

    What is SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) and How it Works?

    A Systematic Investment Plan, commonly known as SIP, is a financial plan that allows investors to invest in a monthly, quarterly, and yearly manner, and the set amount can be as little as Rs. 500 depending on the particular fund. Using SIP allows the investor to invest in a time-bound manner without worrying about market dynamics, and they stand to profit a lot since SIP is considered safe investments with high returns in India.

    When you enroll in a systematic investing plan or in a SIP for NPS, the sum will be automatically deducted from your bank account and reinvested in a fund you select at a specified time interval. Then you will be assigned units for your fund based on its net asset value, and later, any additional units will be added to your account at the market rate. With each investment, the amount that you reinvest will increase in addition to any profits that you receive from that investment. Remember, the average returns in SIP are quite lucrative, and the investor selects whether or not to receive the returns at the end of the SIP's duration or other intervals.

    Types of SIP

    The following are the several types of SIP that you should consider investing in, but choose wisely based on your financial situation and future planning.

    • Top-up SIP - This type of systematic investment plan allows you to raise your investment amount on a regular basis while also allowing you the freedom to invest more when you have extra money available to invest! Top-up SIP also allows you to get the most out of your money by investing in the finest and highest-performing funds on a monthly basis.
    • Fixed SIP - Fixed SIPs entail investing a certain amount at regular intervals, and they are suitable for investors who desire dependable, stable investments that generate a constant SIP investment returns.
    • Flexible SIP - This form of systematic investing plan allows you to invest any amount you wish, and the amount to be invested can be adjusted based on an investor's cash flow, demands, and choices.
    • Trigger SIP - Trigger SIPs initiate or change investments based on predetermined criteria, such as market fluctuations, and they are better suited to experienced investors who actively follow the marketplace.
    • Perpetual SIP - Perpetual SIP allows you to make your contributions without regard to the required date, however, a systematic investment plan often has an end date after one, three, or five years of investing. As a result, the investor has the option of withdrawing the money invested or continuing to invest in accordance with his/her financial goals.

    Benefits of SIP Investment

    There are multiple benefits of SIP investment, so let’s take a look:

    • Cost efficiency - Because of its low minimum investment criterion, SIP makes investing accessible to a wide range of investors. Furthermore, dividing the investment into smaller, regular chunks helps to mitigate the impact of market swings, and the costs of investing in a fund through SIPs are also lower than those of other investment methods.
    • Rupee cost averaging - One of the primary benefits of SIPs is rupee cost averaging where you may take advantage of market volatility by investing the same amount over a longer period of time. The set amount you select to invest means that your SIP will average out the value of each unit, and as a result, you may choose to buy more units when the market is down and fewer units when the market is up.
    • Power of compounding - SIPs enable the small amount you invest on a regular basis to develop into a substantial corpus as a total of your contributions with compounded returns over time! What’s more, SIPs have a distinct advantage over traditional investing alternatives since they allow for compounding without the need to invest a lumpsum SIP payment.
    • Cancellation Flexibility - SIP plans allow you to cancel it at any moment, which provides investors more influence over their financial selections. However, certain plans have a lock-in period, so make sure to know every detail about your plan before you sign up.
    • Diversification - Because most funds often invest in a wide range of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other financial products, SIPs provide access to a varied portfolio of assets. As a result, this diversification efficiently distributes investment risk, lowering exposure to market volatility.

    Is SIP Investment Safe?

    Yes, SIP investment is safe and is a great way to invest in a fund, which is exactly why SIP for beginners has become a highly popular investment option among the younger generations! If you invest a lump sum amount in a fund, depending on market conditions, you may wind up paying a very high price for the allocated units; to avoid this, consider investing in a fund when the markets are not inflated.

    However, when investing through a SIP, you don't have to worry about market timing since SIP involves investing a small amount of money every month or quarterly! Make sure you have done your research on tax on SIP returns to avoid paying unnecessary taxes or accidentally paying less tax than you should.

    When should I Invest in SIP?

    Now that you know all about SIP investment, it is time to decide exactly when you should start investing in SIP. Consider your investment horizon, the investment's goal, as well as your financial objectives and risk tolerance before starting the fund.

    • Financial objectives - Having defined your financial objectives truly aids in determining the time periods during which you should make the investments! For a SIP retirement plan, it is beneficial to use a SIP with a longer time horizon because this promotes effective wealth accumulation in order to accomplish financial objectives during retirement years.
    • Early Age - Investing as early as feasible is absolutely beneficial since it allows the investments to weather market fluctuations, as a result, investors have plenty of time to have their assets increase and get the benefits of compounding.
    • Stable Source of Income - It is critical to have a consistent source of income before beginning an investment plan like SIP so that you don’t miss out on any investment date.

    To make sure that you are choosing the best investment option for you, do some research on finance topics and other fund details such as ULIP NAV so that you can be satisfied when you finally begin your investment plan!

    Systematic Investment Plan Example

    Before you start your SIP investment journey, it is best that you inquire about the best index fund for SIP or the best SIP to invest for the long term from a financial advisor! A SIP is a recurrent investment in which the sum is automatically deducted from your bank account and deposited in a fund of your choosing, as a result, SIP funds provide you with more units with each installment. However, because the scheme's NAV fluctuates, with the same SIP amount, you can buy fewer units when the market is high and more units when the market is down.

    Suppose you want to start a SIP with a monthly investment of Rs. 5,000 in a fund called ‘X’, and the fund's current Net Asset Value (NAV) is Rs. 50 per unit, which gives you an initial allocation of 100 units. However, as the fund's NAV changes, the amount of units given each month will vary depending on that factor. All these units from each month are regularly added to your portfolio, which contributes to your wealth growth.

    FAQs on What is SIP

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    Are SIPs better than FD?

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    FD is for conservative investors who are risk-averse and are satisfied with a lower but set return rate while people with a more risk-taking mentality can go for SIP to benefit from a potential high return quickly.

    Can I withdraw SIP before Maturity?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Certain funds have a SIP lock-in period, and in such cases, you cannot withdraw money until the lock-in period has passed. However, there are other funds, such as Open-ended funds, that allow you to withdraw money whenever you wish.

    What is the 8-4-3 rule in a Systematic Investment Plan?

    Collapsed Expanded

    The rule of 8-4-3 is used to calculate how quickly you can double your invested money, and knowing this rule is important when evaluating long-term investing prospects! According to this rule, invested money rises evenly for the first 8 years, then accelerates for the next 4 years, and finally, the snowball effect occurs for the next 3 years.

    ₹20k/Month Invested since 2005 in Benchmarked Index would have been ₹5.27 Cr#* Now.

    PNB MetLife NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund


    At PNB MetLife we are delighted to offer a new fund, the “Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund” (ULIF03115/02/25NIFTYMOMEN117). The objective of the fund is to invest in a basket of stocks drawn from the constituents of NSE’s NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index, subject to regulatory limits. The Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index aims to track the performance of the top 50 companies within the Nifty 500 selected based on their Normalized Momentum Score. Historical data from NSE suggests that the momentum strategy has outperformed vs broader indices in the past. Regulations may restrict us from investing in all the stocks/sectors in line with their weights in the index from time to time, resulting in tracking error. The index funds which track momentum strategies are best suited for individuals with very high risk tolerance and long-term investment goals.
    PNB MetLife Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index fund (SFIN: ULIF03115/02/25NIFTYMOMEN117). NAV of Rs.10/- will be applicable for duly completed proposals received from 15th to 27th February 2025 and issued on 28th February 2025. For policies issued after 28th February, the prevailing on the day of issuance will be applicable.
    T&C apply: These are the returns of benchmark indicates of the return of the PNB MetLife NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund. This fund is available with PNB MetLife Smart Platinum Plus Plan (UIN: 117L125V04), Goal Ensuring Multiplier Plan (UIN: 117L133V04), Mera Wealth Plan (UIN: 117L098V06), Term with Unit Linked Insurance Plan (UIN: 117L136V01) which are an individual, Unit-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance Plan. *The above illustration shows the value of Rs. 20,000 invested monthly since Apr, 2005 in the NIFTY 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund, accumulated as of 31st Dec, 2004 (nineteen-year period). The calculation are based on Index data provided by NSE and exclude any scheme-level expenses.
    The aforesaid article presents the view of an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability or medical complications incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ health advisor before making any decision.

    PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited
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