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    Types Of Taxes In India 2023 | PNB Metlife

    Types of Taxes in India: Direct and Indirect Taxes Explained

    Last Updated On 11-08-2023

    Tax is a mandatory financial charge or fee levied by the Indian government on individuals and organisations. It is a significant source of income for the government, which is utilised in public expenditure programs, supporting the growth of the country and its populace.

    The taxation system in India is divided into a three-tier structure, including state, central, and municipal corporations. Every levied tax in India is backed by a law passed by the State legislature or the Parliament.

    Different forms are used to pay taxes, and the types of tax in the country differ based on implementation and how the authorities collect them.

    So, scroll down to learn about the different types of taxes in India to carry out your civic duty.

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    What Are the Different Types of Taxes in India?

    Tax in India is broadly divided into two categories depending on their submission process: direct tax and indirect tax. While direct taxes are levied on earnings in India, indirect tax is imposed on expenses.

    Even so, there are other types of taxes in India that the central government has introduced to serve a specific agenda. These are called ‘other taxes’ and are imposed on both the given taxes. Examples of this type of tax include the Infrastructure Cess Tax, Swachh Bharat Cess Tax, Krishi Kalyan Cess Tax, etc.

    What is Direct Tax?

    As the name implies, direct taxes are directly paid to the government by individuals and corporate entities. These are overlooked by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and cannot be transferred to any other person or entity. Direct taxes are levied during each assessment year, and you can also receive some benefits under the various sections of this tax.

    Types of Direct Taxes in India

    The direct tax amounts to almost 50% of the government’s revenue. Some of the most common types of these taxes are as follows:

    1. Income Tax

    Income tax is among the most essential and common among different types of taxes in India. It applies to the personal income individuals and companies earn in a given fiscal year.

    Depending on the total taxable income in an assessment year and your age, every eligible person is allotted an income tax slab. The amount you have to pay as part of the income tax depends on the tax slab you fall under and the different types of income tax.

    2. Corporate Tax

    The corporate tax, also called Corporation tax, is a direct tax levied on the revenue or profit an enterprise makes from their business. Both private and public companies registered under the Companies Act 1956 are charged with this type of tax. Domestic firms and foreign corporations are also liable to pay corporate tax.

    Presently, domestic companies with an annual turnover of less than ₹250 Crore are charged a rate of 25%, whereas those with more turnover are charged 30%. In addition, the Income Tax Act states a surcharge of 7% if the net income ranges from ₹1 Crore to 10 Crore. While if the income increases by ₹10 Crore, the surcharge amounts to 12%.

    3. Perquisite Tax

    Any perks or benefits given to you by your employer, such as rent-free accommodation, free electricity, car, etc., are taxed under the perquisite tax. This depends on how you are using the privileges.

    However, keep in mind that there are both taxable and non-taxable perquisites.

    Exempted perquisites typically include travel allowance, laptop or desktop provided by the organization for official use, medical help, free memberships to clubs, and contribution to PF, among others.

    4. Capital Gain Tax

    Capital gains tax applies to the profits earned from the sale of a capital asset. Such gains can be incurred either by selling a real estate property or investing. Depending on the duration, capital gains are of two kinds:

    • Short-term capital gain: Applicable on any asset owned for less than 36 months. However, in the case of immovable properties, the duration is around 24 months.
    • Long-term capital gain: Applicable on any asset that is held for a period of 36 months.


    5. Securities Transaction Tax

    The government imposes the securities transaction tax on profits earned from securities such as futures, equities, and options carried out in the domestic stock exchange market. The rate of the tax is different for each type of security.

    What is Indirect Tax?

    An indirect tax is charged on the consumption of goods and services. The government collects this tax from sellers and retailers of the products and services. They, in turn, shift the responsibility to buyers.

    When you purchase a product or service, you not only pay the price of the product but also the tax. Hence, you are indirectly paying the tax to the government.

    Types of Indirect Taxes in India

    The most common types of indirect taxes in India are as follows:

    1. Sales Tax

    A sales tax is levied on the items produced in India or imported from outside. This tax is imposed on the product’s seller, who then collects it from the person buying by including the tax amount in the product’s price. Generally, all states in India have their individual sales tax.

    2. Goods and Services Tax

    The Service Tax or Goods and Services Tax (GST) came into the picture in full effect on 1st July 2017 and is applied to the cost of specific goods and services sold in the country. The business adds the GST to its offering, and a customer who purchases the same pays the sales price inclusive of the GST amount.

    The GST portion is further collected by the seller or business and passed on to the government.

    One of the prime things to note is that GST has clubbed together different types of indirect taxes in India, such as:

    • Services tax
    • VAT or Value added tax
    • Stat eexcise duty
    • Purchase tax
    • Octroi
    • Central Excise tax duty


    3. Customs Duty

    Customs duty is a type of indirect tax charged on products and items imported from abroad. It is applied to all those commodities which come via land, air, or sea. The tax is levied per the value of goods, weight, dimensions, and other related criteria. Its purpose is to ensure that the goods entering the country are adequately taxed and paid for.

    4. Entertainment Tax

    The entertainment tax is an indirect tax levied on commercial shows, sports events, movie tickets, amusement parks, theatre shows, music festivals, exhibitions, and other private events or festivals. The income tax rate varies depending on the state.

    Income Tax in AY 2024-2025

    Taxes are an essential contribution made for the betterment of the country and society. The money collected is used by the governments, as mentioned, to provide resources to the people and uplift society.

    Even so, to minimise the burden of taxes on individuals, the government has come up with particular deductions, tax exemptions, and tax deductions for tax-saving investments.

    Paying taxes and filing ITR further enables you to acquire loans faster, have swift VISA processing, and prevent profound implications.

    As such, to ensure responsible tax filing, find the new tax slabs for the assessment year 2024-2025.

    Updates on Tax Slabs in Old Regime

    Tax slabs for Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) or individual taxpayers less than 60 years of age (both females and males):

    Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
    Income up to ₹ 2.5 lakhs  No tax
    Income between ₹ 2.5 lakhs-₹ 5 lakhs 5%
    Income between ₹ 5 lakhs-10 lakhs 20%
    Income higher than ₹ 10 lakhs 30%

    Tax slabs for individuals more than 60 years but below the age of 80 years and HUF

    Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
    Income up to ₹ 2.5 lakhs  No tax
    Income between ₹ 2.5 lakhs-₹ 5 lakhs 5%
    Income between ₹ 5 lakhs-10 lakhs 20%
    Income higher than ₹ 10 lakhs 30%

    Tax slabs for individual payers more than 80 years of age

    Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
    Income up to ₹ 2.5 lakhs  No tax
    Income between ₹ 5 lakhs-10 lakhs 20%
    Income higher than ₹ 10 lakhs 30%

    Surcharge applicable to Income tax for the AY 2024-2025

    Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
    ₹ 50 lakhs to 1 Crore  10% 
    ₹ 1 Crore to ₹ 2 Crore  15%
    ₹ 2 Crore to ₹ 5 Crore  25%
    ₹ 5 Crore to 10 Crore  37%
    More than ₹ 10 Crore  37%

    Income tax Slab rates as Per the New Regime for AY 2024-2025

    Income Range Tax Rate
    Up to ₹3,00,000 Nil
    ₹3,00,001 to ₹6,00,000 5%
    ₹6,00,001 to ₹9,00,000 10%
    ₹9,00,001 to ₹12,00,000 15%
    ₹12,00,001 to ₹15,00,000 20%
    Above ₹15,00,000 30%

    Note: While calculating tax as per the new regime, standard deduction and deduction under section 80 are not applicable.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    What is the new income tax slab in India in 2023?

    Collapsed Expanded

    The government of India has introduced new changes in the tax regime under the income tax slabs by increasing the basic income exemption limit from INR 2.5 lakh to INR 3 lakh. While the surcharge rate has been minimized from 37% to 25%.

    What is the new tax system in India?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Under the new tax regime in India, the income tax slabs have been reduced from six to five. Aside from this, the rebate eligibility ceiling has been enhanced from INR 5 lakh to INR 7 lakh. Any person opting for the new tax regime effective from 1st April 2023 will have to pay zero taxes, provided their income does not exceed INR 7 lakh.

    What are tax-saving investments?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Investments in specific instruments can decrease your taxable income, referred to as tax-saving investments like ELSS (equity linked saving schemes), life insurance, etc. Even the Indian government offers few tax-saving investments such as National Pension Scheme, Public Provident Fund, etc.

    Is it important to file your income tax return?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Yes, you’re required to file your income tax return if your income increases by INR 3,00,000 in a given financial year.

    What are taxable incomes and exempt incomes?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Taxable incomes are those charged under the Income Tax Act, whereas exempt incomes are not chargeable. This means they are not included in the calculation of total income.

    What is TDS?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Under the Income Tax Act, there are specific payments, including interest, salary etc., in which the person who makes the payment is allowed to deduce tax. This is also referred to as TDS or tax deducted at source.

    At what rate long-term capital rates are charged to tax?

    Collapsed Expanded

    In the case of the equity share sale, the long-term capital gains tax rate is 10% if the sale is more than INR 1,00,000. Whereas, the tax rate is 20% in sales other than equity shares

    Under how many heads are the income of taxpayers classified?

    Collapsed Expanded

    The Income-tax Act section 14 have categorised taxpayer income under five different headings:

    • Income from house property
    • Salaries
    • Capital gains
    • Profits and gains of business or profession
    • Income from other sources

    Is it possible for a non-resident to rebate a claim under section 87A?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Rebate under section 87A is only available to individuals who are residents of India, and as such, non-residents are not allowed to claim the rebate.

    Is corporate tax collected by the central or state government?

    Collapsed Expanded

    The Corporate tax, also known as corporation tax, is collected by the central government in India from both public and private enterprises registered under the Companies Act 1956.


    The aforesaid article presents the view of an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability or medical complications incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ health advisor before making any decision.

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    Terms & conditions apply, Benefits stipulated are subject to premiums paid and policies in-force. For more details on risk factors, please read the sales brochure and the terms and conditions of the policy, carefully before concluding the sale.
    Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, & are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax consultant for more details.
    Goods and Services Tax (GST) shall be levied as per prevailing tax laws which are subject to change from time to time.
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