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    Top 10 Reasons Why Retirement Planning Is Important

    Last Updated On 13-03-2023

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    Since there are very few certainties in life, it’s crucial for us as human beings to take the necessary steps to secure our financial futures. One of the top ways to do this is to invest in lucrative retirement planning. If you’ve recently started designing your retirement goals, it’s an excellent idea to start by understanding the importance of retirement planning.

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    When you’re considering different types of retirement planning, it’s important to consider the benefits to your financial portfolio. One of the key benefits has to do with securing the type of lifestyle you have become accustomed to at the time of retirement. With that said, this post covers the top ten reasons why retirement planning is important.

    10 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important

    Choosing to invest in a retirement plan means that you will have to put money aside every month. Depending on your current financial situation, this might seem like a stretch. It might leave you wondering if planning for retirement is necessary so early in your life. Here are 10 reasons why the answer to this question is always YES!

    1. Retire Early

      One of the top retirement planning benefits is that starting your retirement at an early age allows you to retire early. This means you don’t have to wait to reach a certain age before retiring. Choosing a retirement plan that allows you to cash your policy after a certain age, but before the recommended pension age will make this process considerably easier.
    2. Increasing Average Life Expectancy

      It’s no secret that financial stress can significantly affect your expected life expectancy. When you don’t have to worry over your financial circumstances in your old age, stress is considerably reduced, which in turn can increase your general life expectancy.
    3. Increasing Medical Expenses in Old Age

      As you get older your medical requirements may also increase or change. Having a reliable pension plan in place will ensure that you have the funds to support any potential costs associated with future medical care.
    4. To Fulfil Your Retirement Goals

      Having a retirement investment plan in place allows you the freedom and finances to fulfill your retirement goals. This can include going on vacation with your family, traveling, starting your own business or simply working on your hobbies with the peace of mind that your financial aspects will be taken care of.
    5. Maintaining Your Lifestyle

      One of the aspects people don’t anticipate is the change in their lifestyle when they retire. This has to do with the lower income they receive from either their work retirement plan or the government pension.
      Neither of these pension options will equal the salary you would’ve become accustomed to. Planning for retirement will ensure that you can maintain your existing lifestyle.
    6. Leaving Savings for the Family and Children

      Another impressive reason to consider early retirement planning is that many policies and plans include life insurance. This means that your spouse, children and other beneficiaries will be provided for in the untimely event of your demise.
    7. Financial Independence

      After years of providing for your family, you don’t want to be in a situation where you suddenly have to rely on your children or another family for financial support. Early retirement planning will ensure that you have the financial independence to provide for yourself and your spouse.
    8. Diversify Your Income Sources

      Having a retirement plan gives you the opportunity to receive income from different sources. Doing this allows you to plan for various financial goals and ensure that funds are available when you need them.
    9. Account for Inflation

      With the continued rise in inflation, there’s no way to tell for sure what the economy will be like when you retire. Securing a strong retirement plan will ensure that you have made provision for the potential rise in inflation.
    10. Avoid Stress Related to Financial Problems

      Not adequately planning for retirement will create unnecessary stress in your daily life. This will increase if you have children in school or a mortgage or home rental to pay for every month. Having the peace of mind of a robust pension plan will minimise this type of stress.

    Benefits of Planning For Your Retirement

    Having the opportunity to plan for your retirement from an early age has several consistent benefits. The most significant of these are discussed below.

    1. Make Money Work For You

      Creating a diverse financial portfolio that includes smart pension planning means that you’ll be in charge of your financial future. Money that you invest will gather returns ensuring that you have a lucrative package available when you need it.
      Essentially, you will be in control of the amount of money you’re placing into a retirement plan. This will allow you to plan your goals accordingly.
    2. Tax Benefits

      The retirement planning process also boasts several tax benefits and rebates, depending on the type of policy you choose. This makes a retirement plan an effective way to plan and secure future funds.
    3. Better Health With Reduced Financial Worries

      With an effective retirement or pension plan in place, you can easily reduce the stress you might ordinarily experience regarding your future financial situation. Not having to worry about money means that you don’t have to endure the stress that goes along with it.
    4. Reducing the Burden on Your Children and/or Family

      Having the right type of retirement planning in place reduces the financial burden on your children, spouse and family. This is because they won’t have to stress about covering your income to ensure you’re taken care of. This is especially beneficial if your children are still at college or just started working by the time you retire.
    5. Make Better Financial Decisions in the Present

      Setting a few retirement goals in place when you’re younger will ensure that you can make appropriate financial decisions to accommodate your current and future needs. You will also be more likely to choose the right policy for the goals you have. Saving money will also be considerably easier as you have financial goals in place for which you’re working.

    Conclusion: Plan For Your Retirement Now

    To reap the benefits of an effective retirement plan, it’s important to invest in a plan as soon as possible. That means if you’re in your 20s or 30s or even 40s, don’t wait till you’re in your 50s. Although, investing at a later age is still recommended if you haven’t already done so. Investing late is better than not investing at all. Two of the more effective ways to invest are listed below.

    Retirement and Pension Plans

    Opting for retirement or pension planning depends on whether you’ll be adding a private plan to an existing work pension plan. Many financial experts recommend opting for an additional retirement plan to ensure that you can easily maintain a lifestyle you have become accustomed to.

    Life and Medical Insurance Plans

    Life and medical insurance plans ensure that you, your spouse and your children have the necessary policies in place in the event of death or medical emergencies.
    Medical policies supplement existing health plans while life insurance plans ensure that your family will be financially taken care of in the event of your death. Some life insurance plans have maturity benefits attached which means monies will be paid out to you when the policy matures.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    How can a self-employed person start planning for their retirement?

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    Self-employed people should also plan for their retirement. It’s as simple as speaking to a financial planner to highlight the best options available. Be sure to have a list of your specific future financial goals on hand as your financial planner will need these to help you choose the plan that will help you reach these goals based on your current income.

    What happens if I die before withdrawing my retirement income/pension benefits?

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    In this instance, any monies owed to you will be paid out to your listed beneficiaries and nominees. In most instances, these can be made up of the policyholder’s spouse or children. This money can then be paid directly to them or it can be placed in a specialised trust fund for younger children.

    Should I choose a lump sum or regular pension payment?

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    Your financial planner will be able to advise you on the best option for your unique situation. It is however important to note that a lump sum will give you the flexibility to choose where to invest your money. A regular pension payment is made up of more affordable premiums that you make regularly to keep the policy active.


    The aforesaid article presents the view of an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability or medical complications incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ health advisor before making any decision.

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