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    mortality charges in ulip

    Mortality Charges in ULIP: How Mortality Charges Impact Your ULIP Investment?

    Last Updated On 23-07-2024

    A ULIP is a combination of insurance and saving plans and is a suitable alternative for those who want to invest their money and get life cover at the same time.

    To help you get complete information about what a ULIP is, what are mortality charges, and the impact of these charges on your investment, we have brought this blog to you. So, let’s begin.

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    What Is a ULIP Scheme?

    ULIP is an abbreviation for Unit Linked Insurance Plan. Buying a ULIP scheme is like killing two birds with one stone as this plan helps the buyer in building a corpus of money along with being financially covered for unfortunate events, such as the demise of the insured.

    Regular premiums are paid in a ULIP scheme, which is split into two parts:

    1. One for-life cover
    2. The other is for investing in funds, such as equity, debt, or balanced (a combination of equity and debt) funds.

    Another special feature of this plan is that it is handled by professionals, which means that the chances of obtaining substantial profits are high and that too, with low-risk exposure.

    There are several other benefits of buying a ULIP, some of which are:

    • Flexibility in choosing funds of your choice
    • Guaranteed ULIP returns
    • Greater tax benefits
    • Liquidity

    Mortality Charges in ULIP

    Apart from paying premiums, there are also some other ULIP charges, such as mortality charges, that you need to pay at the time of buying a Unit Linked Insurance Plan.

    Mortality charges are an additional charge levied by the insurance companies on the ULIP scheme to cover the cost of insurance protection they provide.

    Why Are Mortality Charges Levied?

    Suppose a person has bought a Unit Linked Insurance Plan with a sum insured of ₹10,00,000 and the annual premium to be paid is ₹1,20,000, out of which, ₹50,000 goes for life insurance.

    After 3 years, the insured dies due to some disease. At this time, the fund value will be lower than the sum insured but the insurer will be liable to pay the whole of it. For this reason, the mortality charges are levied.

    How Mortality Charges Impact Your ULIP Investment?

    Mortality charges affect a ULIP investment greatly as it changes the amount you need to pay as the premium.

    The age, occupation, living location, and health status of the insured all these factors impact the rate of mortality charges, which in turn, influences your investment amount.

    The higher the sum insured, the higher the mortality charges. So, it can be said that your ULIP investment partially depends upon the mortality charges levied by your insurance company.

    Is It Possible to Lower the Mortality ULIP Charges?

    There are a few ways through which it can be ensured that you pay the least possible mortality charges in ULIP. Below is a small list of them:

    • Buy early- Since age plays a key role in deciding the mortality charge, it is suggested that you buy ULIP schemes for yourself and your family members as soon as possible.
    • Healthy lifestyle- Good health also lowers the mortality charge as it is believed that a person having a healthy lifestyle is not prone to health issues.
    • Sum Insured- If you want to pay a smaller amount as mortality charges, you should bring down your sum insured to the level you find sufficient, as having an exorbitant amount of sum insured will only increase your premium.


    Buying a ULIP scheme involves many considerations. From choosing the right type of funds to invest in to having complete knowledge about what are mortality charges in ULIP, this blog has covered all these points you should know.

    PNB MetLife offers a wide range of Unit Linked Insurance Plans and is a one-stop solution for all your needs, be it retirement, children's education, or wealth accumulation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Who bears the mortality risk in the case of ULIPs?

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    Just like an insurance plan, the mortality risk in ULIPs is suffered by the insurance company.

    What is the death benefit in ULIP?

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    The payment received by the nominee, in case of the demise of the insured, is called the death benefit.

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