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    How efficient fuel usage can power your savings?

    Last Updated On 05-07-2018

    Managing your personal finance can sometimes feel like you’re living on the edge. Even if you do manage to cut down on some expenses, you sometimes end up splurging on others. How do you balance this?

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    Cutting down on expenses is quite a difficult task as it brings with it a need for many lifestyle changes and extensive financial planning. One such cost that takes up a considerable chunk of your monthly budget is your fuel. You might not realize the amount of money you are spending on this every month, but when you add it up, the cumulative amount will be a number bigger than you would have thought. 

    It might seem almost impossible to cut down on fuel costs as it could mean cutting down on your daily commute. But you will be surprised to learn about some incredible ways to reduce this. 

    Is that even possible? We list ways in which you can reduce your fuel costs:

    1. Service your car regularly  
      A well-serviced car will consume much less fuel compared to one that has not been serviced for a while. Irrespective of your car’s model and fuel capacity, it should be serviced at least twice a year depending on its age and usage.
      Not getting your car serviced can cause damage to the engine. It will not only take up a large chunk of your finances but will also add additional expenses. 
    2. Take a break at signals
      Most of us are always in a hurry to reach our destination and speed through the traffic once the signal turns green. As a result, we never turn off the engines. Shutting off the engine for a few seconds might not look like a big deal but if you calculate the fuel spent when the engine is running, it might be a considerable amount.
      So, if you must wait for 50-60 seconds at a signal, let your vehicle engine rest for a while. You’ll not only be saving money, you’ll also be saving pollution levels.   
    3. Turn the air-conditioning off
      You don’t have to keep the air-conditioning on all the time. But putting it off for some time, especially at signals or if you’re waiting for someone, will help you to reduce fuel usage. Even if the heat might become unbearable, it is recommended to use the air-conditioning in the car in moderation.  
    4. Follow the rules and slow down
      While speeding on those smooth roads might give you a sense of adventure, it could worsen your gas mileage and fuel consumption, apart from compromising on your safety.  Follow the speed limits and slow down whenever you have the chance to do so. This little practice will help you to boost the fuel economy of your car and to also be safe.  
    5. Reduce the load
      Who would have thought saving on fuel is possible by getting rid of the extra load! Making the boot lighter by removing unnecessary things will have a dramatic effect on your fuel consumption. Your car consumes more fuel if it carries more weight. 
    6. Check tyre pressure
      If your car has lower tyre pressure than the prescribed one, your car will gulp more fuel. Low tyre pressure reduces the mileage by approximately 1-2%. Keep your tyres pumped up, to boost your wallet and budget.

    In today’s time, when everything is becoming more and more expensive, cutting down or reducing your fuel expenses can bring much required relief. Hence, smart saving and smart spending is the need of the hour. Plan and manage your personal finances smartly.

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    The aforesaid article presents the view or an independent writer who is an expert on financial and insurance matters. PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. doesn’t influence or support views of the writer of the article in any way. The article is informative in nature and PNB MetLife and/ or the writer of the article shall not be responsible for any direct/ indirect loss or liability incurred by the reader for taking any decisions based on the contents and information given in article. Please consult your financial advisor/ insurance advisor/ before making any decision..

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