What would you do when you are urgently in need of funds? Most people hesitate from taking out a personal loan because of its high interest rates. But if you have a life insurance policy, then you could well be at a great advantage because it’s possible to take out a loan with life insurance as collateral.
The positives are many – lower interest rate, hassle free experience, easy repayment options and low credit scores. But one also must know the important details that are relevant to availing loans.
If you are planning to buy life insurance to take out a loan against it, then you need to consider the below points. There are different aspects to life insurance related loans and you need to be aware of all of them so you can make an informed choice.
For most people, a loan against life insurance might turn out to be a life saver, but one should not depend upon it entirely. After all, the life insurance policy was purchased for a reason and we can have our long term plans for our loved ones fall by the wayside to fulfil short term financial needs. Moreover, one also needs to assess all the risks and decide based upon that.
Let our specialist craft the most suited
financial solution for you!
As your trusted life insurance partner, PNB MetLife is with you amidst the current COVID-19 outbreak. Our policies also cover COVID-19 Claims. In case of a Death Claim, kindly submit the signed Claim Intimation Letter mentioning the policy number, brief of the insured event and other claim documents on the email mentioned herewith. Please write-in to us at claimshelpdesk@pnbmetlife.com or indiaservice@pnbmetlife.co.in. You can also call us on 1800-425-6969 for death claims intimations and for any queries on Monday - Saturday between 10:00 am - 7:00 pm.
PNB MetLife Insurance, amongst the trusted Life Insurance companies in India, aims to provide a wide range of Life Insurance products that suits the needs of an individual at every stage of his life. Life Insurance Plans range from Term Life Insurance Plans, Term Plan, Protection Plans, Long Term Savings Plans , Retirement Plans & Child Education Plan.