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    how to withdraw pension contribution

    How to Withdraw Pension Contribution: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Last Updated On 25-11-2024

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    A well-planned pension fund helps you save money for your post-retirement years so that you can retire without worry! You can establish a sizable pension fund by making regular contributions to your pension plan during your work years and receive steady returns over an extended period. That is why it is essential to understand the specifics of your retirement savings plan and how to withdraw PF pension amount when necessary. Keep reading to learn about withdrawal eligibility criteria, withdrawal rules, and other details.

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    What Is EPS?

    The Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) implemented the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) to benefit workers employed by all businesses and organizations. Workers who are covered by this plan are eligible for a pension plan by making regular pension contributions. You and your employer both will make a 12% contribution to the EPF account, and 8.33% (up to a maximum of Rs. 15,000) of the employer's 12% payment will go to the EPS. The remaining portion goes to the EPF.

    What is EPF?

    The Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), an agency under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, is in charge of overseeing and managing the Employees' Provident Fund, often known as EPF. This is a social security program in India, and it is intended to give workers in the organized sector retirement plans benefits and financial stability. A predetermined portion of each employee's pay is contributed to the EPF, and an employer-funded pension component (EPS) is also included in the EPF account.

    How to Withdraw Pension Contribution?

    An EPFO member may make a PF withdrawal from their PF balance and receive their EPS balance upon retirement in accordance with the Employee Provident Fund Act of 1952. You must submit the relevant paperwork to withdraw your pension, so take a look at the forms you will require.

    • Form 10D - This particular form is needed for monthly pension withdrawals beyond the age of 50 or 58.
    • Form 10C - If you wish to take your pension contribution out before you have completed ten years of service, you must submit Form 10C.
    • Form 31 - If you wish to make a partial withdrawal from your EPF account, you must use this form.

    The pension withdrawal rules are not difficult, and you can make the withdrawals online or offline, depending on your preference.

    Follow These Steps to Withdraw EPF Online

    It is simple to withdraw money from your retirement plans online, but first, remember to check if you have the eligibility to withdraw pension contribution in EPF to avoid complications.

    Step 1: Go to the e-Sewa website and enter your password and UAN to log in.

    Step 2: Select a claim form from the "Online Services" menu.

    Step 3: Verify the information and enter the bank account number associated with your UAN.

    Step 4: Choose the justification from the drop-down menu after clicking "Proceed for Online Claim."

    Step 5: Choose "Get AADHAR OTP" after entering your address.

    Step 6: After entering the OTP that was sent to your mobile phone, you will be able to complete the online claim form.

    How to Withdraw EPF Offline?

    No one needs to worry about how to withdraw pension contribution offline because the steps are simple. Just follow the instructions mentioned here:

    Step 1: Go to the EPF website and download the Composite Claim Form (AADHAR or Non-AADHAR).

    Step 2: Applicants using the Composite Claim Form must link their AADHAR number to their primary bank account number, and then share their bank account information.
    (Note: The portal will be used for the activation.)

    Step 3: The AADHAR seeding is required for users applying using the Composite Claim Form (Non-AADHAR).

    Step 4: After providing all the information, submit the form to the EPF office of your jurisdiction.

    When can Someone Withdraw Their Pension Contribution?

    Now that you know how to claim pension contribution, it is time to find out the eligibility criteria. An employee's EPF is funded with 12% of their base pay and dearness allowance, and the employer also contributes equally to this fund. Employees retain the ability to withdraw the corpus in an emergency, even though they usually do so after retirement. According to the EPF Act, everyone who retires after serving full-time in the job can go through a PF pension withdrawal process by following the correct procedures. However, in other cases, one needs to fulfill the requirements or circumstances stated below:

    • Workers must have an active UAN, and their bank information, PAN and AADHAR, must be connected to their UAN.
    • 90% of an employee's corpus may be withdrawn before one year after retirement.
    • 75% of the corpus may be withdrawn by the employee after one month of unemployment, and the remaining corpus will be transferred to the new EPF upon reemployment.
    • If you have worked for 10 years and reached the age of fifty, you are eligible to take your pension, however, you will only get a reduced pension in this case.
    • If you have reached the age of 58 but haven't served for ten years, you are not entitled to a monthly pension, however, you may take out the entire amount from your account in a one-time process.


    The Employee Provident Fund, or EPF for short, is a great retirement planning program that enables qualified workers to save money for their retirement by contributing to their fund every month. However, you can use other similar programs, such as PNB MetLife Saral Pension, for the same purpose and receive the same benefits.

    We have explained in detail how to claim PF pension amount in various circumstances so that you can withdraw your money whenever you need to. Go through the procedures we have mentioned above and take your money out without facing any complications.

    How to Withdraw EPF Pension Contribution FAQs

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    Is it possible to withdraw pension contributions after leaving a job?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Yes, it is possible to withdraw pension contributions after leaving a job, but the amount you can withdraw will depend on how long you have been in the job. Remember that retirement and unemployment are two distinct situations, and different rules apply to each situation.

    How many days will it take to withdraw your pension?

    Collapsed Expanded

    If you opt for an online EPF withdrawal, the money you have claimed will be credited to your bank account within fifteen to twenty days of submitting your application.

    Can I make a withdrawal from the pension fund before retirement?

    Collapsed Expanded

    Yes, you only have to fill out the correct application forms for that process and submit them with all the required information. Remember that different rules apply depending on how many years you have been working on that job.


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