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    Why Women Should Be on the Forefront in Family's Financial Decisions?

    Last Updated On 26-02-2018

    A modern woman wears multiple hats- from a loving daughter and nurturing wife to a selfless caregiver and hardworking employee. Apart from meeting her household responsibilities and family commitments, she also makes a mark outside and pursues a successful professional life.

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    And yet, the majority of women seem to be neglecting a very crucial aspect of their life: personal finances. The decisions on savings and long-term financial planning are often left to the men in their lives- father, husband, and even son. But looking at their advancement at the workplace and rising income levels, women need to engage themselves enough in financial matters. 

    Here are a few reasons observed that state why women should take the lead

    1. when it comes to financial decisions:When planning for the future, women can make better decisions
      When it comes to accounting for the family’s future life, women are far more practical in understanding the needs. They are better decision makers for family goals like- retirement planning and saving, higher education of children, provision for daughter’s/ son’s wedding, old-age care for her parents and in-laws etc. For these worthy goals, a woman is capable to correctly estimate the amount needed to fulfil them within a given time frame. Also, the thoughts about her family’s well-being are always on her mind. Some other impending questions that women often think about are:
      • How will the expenses be managed post retirement?
      • Are my family’s health needs taken care off?
      • Is my family well insured?
      • What if there is an eventuality in my family?
      • How do I secure my family’s future?

    2. Women have a natural inclination to savings
      Yes, women are natural savers. The earlier they start investing, lesser the investment amount needed to reach the goals, as the power of compounding work its magic.
    3. Women are attentive and focussed 
      Women are highly interested in paying attention to details and putting ideas to the test. The ability to be strategic, focused and keeping an eye on the prize, pays off. So, if a woman decides to get into a practical role of investing or financial planning, she will not leave any leaf unturned to achieve her goals. The financial decision-making process requires understanding all circumstances better and paying undaunted attention to various factors, and a woman can play a vital role in this process. She can very well understand the needs of her family at different life stages and plan for the same by remaining focused and attentive at all times.
    4. Women are always open to learning
      Women are better learners, and they are more successful at sharing ideas and experiences with each other and so learn more efficiently than men (Source: Report by Edge Hill University, England). Women are often open to learning the financial products and investments from the perspective of the family’s changing situation. They can envision the changed situation once their kids shift to other cities for education and employment, or the life insurance need when they are going for a new home loan.
    5. Women have an in-built superpower syndrome
      Last but perhaps the most obvious, “a woman makes 50% of the family, including the family responsibility.” This alone should be good enough reason to include her in family’s financial decisions. Also, millions of women have the superpower to achieve work-life balance. They are scrambling to run two lives- one at home and one at work. They are intellectually stimulated by a challenging career and bring in a second income to help their households get by. Simply put, women have been juggling work and family responsibilities for a long time and have mastered the art.

    As women are an integral part of their family, they can play an equal role in securing the future of their family just like men do. They are more practical in approaching goals and easily adjust their short-term goals for long-term plans. One such long-term plan is, PNB MetLife Mera Term Plan.

    Women have an in-built superpower syndrome
    Last but perhaps the most obvious, a woman makes 50% of the family and hence she needs to be equally involved in family’s financial decisions. Also, millions of women have the superpower to achieve work-life balance. They are managing home and bringing in a second income to help with the household’s financial responsibilities.
    Simply put, women have been juggling work and family responsibilities for a long time and have mastered the art.


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